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Why Does Academic Achievement Matter?

Mautushi Paul |

CBSE Board |

2024-08-09 |

null mins read

academic achievement

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There’s no question that academic achievement matters. After all, what good is it to get a high-paying job if you can’t read or do basic math? But what many people don’t realise is just how important academic achievement is for kids. Studies have shown that kids who do well in school are more likely to have successful careers and healthier lives. So how can parents help their kids achieve success in school? The answer is simple: set high standards and encourage them to do their best. Keep reading for tips on how to do just that!


10 reasons why academic achievement is important for the child!

1. A good academic achievement will give the child a sense of accomplishment.

One of the best things about getting good grades is the sense of accomplishment that comes along with it. For kids, this can be a great motivator to keep working hard. When they see that their efforts are paying off, they’ll be more likely to continue doing their best.

2. Academic achievement can help the child get into a good college.

Getting good grades in school can open up many doors for the child, including getting into a good college. This is an essential step in ensuring that the child has a bright future.

3. Academic achievement can lead to better job opportunities.

Doing well in school can lead to better job opportunities later on. This is because employers often look at academic achievement when making hiring decisions. Therefore, the child needs to do their best in school to get a good job when they’re older.


4. Academic achievement can help the child develop important life skills.

Getting good grades in school can help the child develop important life skills, such as time management and organisation. These skills will be useful to them later on in life, both in their personal lives and in their careers. Therefore, the child needs to learn these skills early on to use them later in life.

5. Academic achievement can lead to higher earnings later in life.

Studies have shown that people with higher levels of academic achievement tend to earn more money later in life. Therefore, the child needs to do their best in school to get a good job and earn a good income when they enter the workforce.

6. Academic achievement can help the child to develop a love for learning.

If the child enjoys their school experience, they are more likely to enjoy learning in general. This love for learning can last a lifetime and lead to the child pursuing higher levels of education later in life.


7. Academic achievement can lead to better health later in life.

Studies have shown that people with higher levels of education tend to have better health later in life. Therefore, it’s important for the child to do their best in school so that they can enjoy good health later on.

8. Academic achievement can help the child develop a strong work ethic

Overall, attending school can have many benefits for the child. The child needs to do their best in school so that they can enjoy these benefits later on in life.

9. Academic achievement can improve the self-confidence of the child.

The child’s self-confidence can be improved by doing well in school. This is because the child will feel good about themselves and their abilities when they achieve something. Therefore, it’s important for the child to do their best in school to enjoy a boost in self-confidence.

10. Academic achievement can help kids attain a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

When a child does well in school, they can feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This is because they will have achieved something that they worked hard for. Therefore, it’s important for the child to do their best in school so that they can feel proud of their accomplishments.


6 ways to teach kids to accomplish academic achievement!

1. Encourage Them to Set Goals

One of the best ways to help your child accomplish academic achievement is to encourage them to set goals. This will give them something to work towards and strive for. Help them break their goals down into small, manageable pieces so that they can see their progress along the way.

2. Help Them Create a Positive Learning Environment

Creating a positive learning environment at home is crucial for kids to succeed in school. This means having a quiet place for them to do their homework, away from distractions like television and video games. It also means providing them with the supplies they need, such as pencils, paper, and textbooks.

3. Encourage Them to Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are a great way for kids to make friends, have fun, and learn new skills. Encourage your child to get involved in activities that interest them. These could be sports teams, clubs, or other groups.

4. Help Them Stay Organized

Being organized is key to success in school. Help your child keep track of their assignments, projects, and tests. Teach them how to budget their time and stay on top of their work.

5. Encourage Them to Ask Questions

Encourage your child to ask questions in class. This will help them understand the material better and participate in discussions. It will also show their teacher that they are engaged in the lesson.

6. Promote a Love of Learning

One of the best ways to help your child succeed in school is to promote a love of learning. Help them find books, articles, and websites that interest them. Encourage them to ask questions and explore new topics.


Setting high standards for our children is important, but it’s also vitally important that we parents remember to take care of ourselves. Parenting can be hard work, and it’s essential that we make time for rest and relaxation so we can continue giving our best selves to our kids. Make sure you’re taking some time for yourself this summer- enjoy a good book, go for a walk in the park, or just relax on the couch with your favourite TV show. And if you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for help from family members or friends. We hope you have a great summer!

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