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Study Tips to Prepare for CBSE Exams in 15 Days

orchidadmin |

CBSE Board |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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You have spent the last 10 months preparing for the board exams CBSE and now with just 15 days left for the board exams CBSE to commence, panic might be beginning to set in. You must be having several questions in your mind right now—Have I studied the right topics? Have I covered all of my subjects properly? Have I done my research right? Am I even ready to take up the most important exam in my life?

This has always been a “make or break” exam for lakhs of students across India. These board exams CBSE will decide whether or not you move to the next stage in your academic life.

As one of the best CBSE schools in Bengaluru and as a concern we can always tell you that, the final two weeks are always the most stressful time for a student. To remove the stress and clear the board exams CBSE with flying colours, you must ensure that you are prepared for your board exams CBSE with these below-mentioned study tips, which can help you conquer your final exams with ease.

Just follow these tips to study for the next two weeks so that you can ace your board exams CBSE from start to finish.

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Tips to Study

Study Small

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The first basic yet most important rule is to study smaller quantities of syllabus every day instead of packing in huge portions of a subject or topic. This will backfire because when you rush the chapters you’ve not studied or prepared for, you will have difficulty memorizing all of it.

Create Your Own Study Guide

What you need now is smart work and not hard work. You must have studied for several days or weeks by now but how you prepare for the next fortnight will decide the outcome of the final board exams CBSE. You must have studies based on a study guide provided by your teachers or friends, but now you must create your study guide based on your comfort level and expertise. After creating the study guide, you must outline the important information you need to learn as it will help create and refer to the study materials.

Ask Questions

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Now is the time to ask questions and clear all your doubts. Remember once the board exams CBSE starts, your teachers will not have the time to answer any of your questions. One of the best tips to study is to first clear all your doubts and silly assumptions. So that these won’t trick you in the middle of the board exams CBSE.

Don’t Study For More Than Two Hours

The best strategy now is to put in two hours of study before taking a break. You can again break down this two-hour into four slots of 25 minutes each with a 5 minutes break and if you need to study for two hours at a stretch, then you can take a break of 20 minutes before resuming your studies.

Give Your Mind Some Break

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When you take a break, ‘switch off’ completely from your studies and don’t think bout the board exams CBSE at all. The thought of the board exams CBSE should be the last thing on your mind. Use the break time to run an errand, watch TV, speak to a friend/sibling/neighbour, or do anything that will keep your thoughts away from the board exams CBSE.

Group Study Session

The more you will ask the more you will receive, there are several tips to study to follow but you have to make sure you are bringing them to action while the next two weeks are very crucial and you might not have the time for anything, but you must go for group studies with classmates or friends. However, you must evaluate whether or not studying with others will be beneficial to you at this stage because each student has a different way of learning process.

Focus on Core Topics

Divide your syllabus into core topics and non-core topics. Core topics are principles, theorems, formulas, diagrams, and graphs while non-core topics consist of examples, quotes, and illustrations, among others.

Over 70% of questions in most papers will be from core topics and only the rest will comprise non-core topics. If you haven’t completed your syllabus, then you must concentrate only on the core subjects now.

This is also helpful if you are using study guides. Study guides aren’t always comprehensive as they are just that— study guides and are only suggestive of the main concepts that you need to learn.

Take Rest

With exams nearing, it doesn’t mean you must not have rest. Resting is as important as eating the right food. Enough has been said about a good night’s sleep. WE are one of the CBSE schools in India and one vital piece of advice we can give you is that take rest and care for your mind. Just ensure you get a good sleep—the minimum required 8 hours—so that you can be fully focused during your exams. Studying late nights or getting up early to study will cause more harm than good.

Take at least 30 minutes of exercise every day- go to a gym or take a brisk walk or just cycle. You will feel reinvigorated and it will also help to declutter your brain.

Reorganize Your Notes

While attending classes, you must have made notes and while revising you must have made quick revision notes. Just scan through both of these documents carefully. You can also use these notes to evaluate and reorganize your notes into important topics, concepts, formulas, dates, and others. One important tip: DO NOT REFER TO NEW NOTES. These will confuse and disturb you.

Avoid Distractions and Eat Light Yet Healthy Food

Lastly, do not get distracted. A hundred things are happening outside your home and around you, that will easily disturb your study schedule. To keep them at bay, lock yourself inside your room and turn off your mobile.

Stay away from junk food and eat light yet healthy food. This is the time when you must have several small meals instead of two or three big meals as these might make you feel sleepy. Eat fresh fruits and lots of dry fruits like almonds, pistachios, raisins, walnuts, dates, and occasional cashews. These are good for your mind, body as well as eyes. Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee, drink milk instead. Drink fresh fruit juice or green tea as these will give you energy and strength to study and prepare.


We are Orchid International school, one of the best CBSE schools in Bengaluru, and we are making our name in the list of the top CBSE schools in India as well. These are our tips for studying two weeks before the exam. To get good marks, it’s also important for you to remain focused and tell yourself that you can do it. Have an “I-WILL-DO-IT” attitude and things will fall in place for you.


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