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What Are The Best Books Every Student Must Read?

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2023-09-05 |

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What Are The Best Books Every Student Must Read?

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Books are vital in every student’s life because they introduce children to a world of imagination, provide information about the outside world, improve their reading, writing, and speaking abilities, and improve memory and intellect.


Why Is Reading Books Important?

Numerous scientific studies have shown that reading makes you smarter, including those that found gains in crystallized, fluid, and emotional intelligence in those who read regularly. But some books seem to be better than others.

Vocabulary, comprehension of a wide range of themes and situations, and the capacity to recognize emotions and sentiments in others are examples of these forms of intelligence. In a simpler term, reading makes us more intelligent.



Books are one reliable way to become more intelligent. They increase your vocabulary and comprehension of a wide range of themes and situations while testing your ability to recognize emotions and sentiments in others.

We enjoy reading books and learning from them. Nothing beats a book that not only entertains you but also teaches you something new. This collection of books that make you smarter will help you accomplish just that. These books are for every interested reader, with themes ranging from science to politics to art to human interest.


Do Books Make You Smarter?

Now let’s go through the beliefs behind books that make you smarter. It is a fact that books make you more competent in many ways. Books help to develop several bits of intelligence in us, namely, 

  • Fluid intelligence refers to thinking abstractly, connecting disparate ideas, reason, and learning new things. 
  • Crystallized intellect refers to the accumulation of information gained over a lifetime and the capacity to solve issues using that knowledge. 
  • Finally, emotional intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize and control one’s feelings.


8 Best Books Every Student Must-Read


Check this list out. We have compiled a list of seven books that can help you get a higher degree of intellect via reading.


1. Daniel Kahneman’s Fast And Slow Thinking

This fascinating explanation of how the human brain works, with its two primary modes of thinking and making decisions: rapid and slow, is a 2011 blockbuster by Nobel Laureate Kahneman. What are the differences between them? Is one of them superior to the other? Kahneman is interested in learning more about this.

In the book, Kahneman claims that two processes are responsible for our decision-making: System 1 and System 2. “System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical.” According to him, there is a constant interplay between these two systems of thinking. For example, if you are in a room and someone shouts “Fire!”, you are likely to act immediately, without any reasoning; his System 1 triggered by the word “Fire!”, has taken over, and your System 2 hasn’t had enough time to slow things down. You jump out of the room.


2. Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind

Harari’s work digs into the evolution of the human species, from the period when Homo sapiens shared the world with others to the modern human and beyond, in a highly engaging examination of human history. It follows the three principal revolutions that changed the course of human history and how our minds and civilizations evolved as a result of them.


3. Ted Talk With Richard Wolk: The Myth Of Manufacturing.

In this talk, Wolff talks about the history of manufacturing. About when it peaked and what it’s done to our economy since then. He notes how automation has helped increase productivity while cutting labor costs and how material goods are outsourced.


4. 60 Days To A Better Brain: Train Your Brain Improve Your Mental Abilities Dr Ryuta Kawashima’s Work

This short book aims to excite your brain to prevent it from ageing and losing functionality. It comprises a series of spreadsheets with daily activities to help you improve your cognitive abilities. It’s a practical and entertaining method to exercise your intellect, and it’s a bestseller in Japan.


5. The Hidden Forces That Control Us

This book aims to break down the invisible forces that shape our day-to-day lives and guide us by the hand without us even realizing it. It explores economic, political, and social life areas to uncover how we are programmed from a very early age to behave in specific ways and how we are influenced by people around us whose intentions may be less than truthful.


6. Bill Bryson’s A Short History Of Nearly Everything

This top-rated book boasts of explaining complicated scientific subjects clearly and understandably. Bryson wrote it in an attempt to make science appealing to both himself and the general public. With a 4.2 star rating on Goodreads, it’s safe to assume he succeeded. This book is an extraordinarily well-written and humorous narrative, telling the history of practically everything.

This book explores the past and future of science, from evolution to climate change, using fun anecdotes and examples that make science easy to comprehend. It’s a perfect choice for those looking for something informative that’s also entertaining.


7. Stephen Hawking’s Short History Of Time

Hawking wrote this authoritative description of cosmology for non-scientists who wanted to learn more about this intriguing topic. A Brief History of Time has been updated throughout the years and remains the best introduction to the subject. 


8. What Is Real?

What is real? How do we know what’s real or not? This book, which is a collaboration between Hawking and his daughter Lucy, answers these questions rather than the unconventional. It explains the concept of virtual particles through thought experiments that range from the absurd to the hilarious.


Final Thoughts

So many books in the world to read, and so little time is every avid reader’s complaint. In the history of humanity, around 130 million books have been published. Every year in the United States, between 600,000 and 1,000,000 books are written. Books have always been an essential part of our childhood. They even play the role of your best friend who shows you new places and stories. Give your child the gift of reading this summer!


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