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Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education

Samadrita Chakraborty |

Child Learning |

2024-08-08 |

null mins read


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Hard work does not tire your body and mind when you do something you love. As a parent, do you not want your child to nurture their passion and turn it into a profession? If your child loves to indulge in physical activities, encourage them. Besides academics, physical education has also got a great career opportunity nowadays. So, cheer for your little star if he is into fitness too much. There are thousands of emerging trends and career in physical education. Career opportunities are opening in every sector. Expand their horizons as much as possible. 

Right now, India has one million fitness trainers across the country. People are taking fitness to a new level. If you are a frequent social media user, you must be familiar with the term “fitness freak.” Fitness is not only a necessity anymore. It has become a passion for people. 


After the pandemic, education has taken a mould worldwide. India is no exception. Experts in our country have already developed some unique strategies to make education enjoyable. These changing trends and career in physical education are engaging students more to the root of education. Let us delve deeper into these novel educational trends. 


Experiential Learning 

Both parents and educators are putting stress on experiential learning. According to research and reports, students clearly perceive a concept when they get a hands-on learning experience. Therefore, experiential learning has a more profound and long-lasting impact on student’s minds. 


A Stress on AI

AI has been at the peak of technological evolution in the last decade. Institutions are using AI and robots with AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Visual Reality) to make students’ future ready. 


Demand for Non-conventional Courses 

With the rise of globalisation, people’s lifestyles have constantly been changing. They are prioritising things like physical and emotional health. Therefore, fitness practitioners, Zumba trainers, fashion influencers, and dietitians are in high demand. This is a direct impact of modern trends in education. Your child can opt for a great career beyond academics also. 


Concept-based Learning

How many times has it happened to you that you met something completely different on the field that you did not read in your textbook? The way our education system has been designed, most subjects do not give field knowledge. Students graduate from schools and colleges with far-fetched ideas and struggle in the practical field. This concept is being abolished entirely, and the experts are coming up with concept-based learning where children will learn what they have to deal with in real life. 


Physical education is no longer a typical subject in children’s curriculum. Schools and parents are putting extra stress on this domain as it enhances children’s:


Physical Development


physical development

At a growing age, physical development is a significant concern for every parent. Physical education has been catering to that required for a long time. Parents used to prefer physical education from the primary grades only for these primary reasons. 


Emotional Growth 

Parents are not only worried about their children’s physical development. Instead, they are focusing on their emotional growth as well. Here lies the importance of changing trends in education. More parents have started understanding the significance of emotional growth. Besides, they have realised that emotional development is intricately attached to physical growth. Therefore, physical education has become compulsory in every educational institution. 


Psychological Development


Psychological Development

Psychological development is a lot different from physical and emotional growth. Physical education supports children’s overall growth and helps them look into themselves and expand their horizons. 


Problems have been the only constant in the history of humankind. The education industry is no exception. Some lingering issues in the educational sector are:


Standardised Tests

The constant questions that people arise every day are regarding standardized test structure. Parents and educational institutions want a uniform system of tests so that all students are evaluated based on the same standard. Experts are working relentlessly to come up with that standard. But, India has still not reached where every school can conduct a similar standard examination. 


Equity in Education 

Even after multiple attempts, equity in the Indian education system has not been established. Equality comes after equity. Therefore, equality is a far-fetched dream for this system. But, new trends in education are raising questions about this inequality more and more. After the pandemic, it is clear that every child in India does not get similar benefits in the educational field. If we consider this period the dawn of raising questions, we wish for the morning very soon. 


Since 2020, the dimensions of education have been changing. A constant flow of digital trends in education is noticed. They are:


Learning beyond Classrooms

Online classes broke the stereotype of the four walls of the classroom. Now, students can learn at anytime and from anywhere. Even after several debates, the futuristic approach of online classes is still appreciated. Online classes are indeed the key trends in education in this 21st century. 


Interactivity in Classrooms

With the growth of digital intervention in education, interactivity knew no bounds. Children are no longer shaky. They are upfront to voice their opinions. The teacher-student equation inside and beyond the classrooms is to be seen to be believed. 

Physical education is a flourishing domain, and the demand for practitioners in the field is increasing daily. Ensure your child’s career in this competitive domain. Let your child choose their way in the fitness industry and achieve the utmost success.

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