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10 Ways to Make Your Child an Early Reader

Mautushi Paul


Child Learning




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10 Ways to Make Your Child an Early Reader


Many parents want to raise a successful, independent child. Everyone has different ideas about what “successful” and “independent” mean. But one thing that most people agree on is that children who read well will go far in life. Early reading can be as simple as exposing your child to books from a very young age.

10 Ways to Make Your Child an Early Reader

Many parents want to raise a successful, independent child. Everyone has different ideas about what “successful” and “independent” mean. But one thing that most people agree on is that children who read well will go far in life. Early reading can be as simple as exposing your child to books from a very young age.


Here are ten things you can do right now:

1. Read stories out loud to your child

Even if the book is too hard for her, she’ll enjoy the interaction. Reading more will help your hild wevelop a liking for reading and understanding things. Engaging your child in early reader habits will help them develop good habits.

2. Develop the habit of nighttime reading

When your children are old enough to begin holding books themselves, always leave a story open in their bedroom when you tuck them in at night so they can look through it before falling asleep. This will spark an interest in reading before bedtime that will grow over time!

3. Limit screen time during the day

TV and video game time during the day so your child’s mind stays sharp. Losing oneself in a good story is one of life’s greatest pleasures—one we should encourage our children to experience early on! If your child spends too much time on the screen activities, it will negatively impact their learning. You can also replace the screen time with the reading activity. This is an essential step towards raising an early reader.


4. Make storytime a priority

Schedule specific times, even if it’s just for 15 or 20 minutes at a stretch, when you read together each day. Set aside quiet time to take turns reading aloud. Never accept “I’m bored” as an answer. Help your child create a list of activities they can do alone, and check them off when the task has been completed. Early readers love to take charge. This reading activity will also give you a chance to spend some quality time with your family.

5. Keep books everywhere

Keep a basket full of books in every room where your child spends time—not just their bedroom but also the living room, family room, and even the bathroom. There is no need to be formal about it: Reading material doesn’t have to be limited to hardcover picture books. Magazines or comic books that relate to your child’s interests will work just as well for this purpose.


6. Be selective about your child’s TV shows and movies

Limit screen time for your child. That doesn’t mean keeping them away from TV altogether, but picking appropriate programming for their age group and sticking to it. Choose the perfect tv program for your kid and enjoy it with them. Make it a fun activity.

7. Get comfortable with technology

If you’re trying to encourage early readers in your home, make sure that they have easy access to books on tape or CDs so they can experience stories by listening and reading them—especially if they are having trouble with phonetic sounds.

8. Early reader tip: Have your child read to a family pet

If you have well-behaved pets that won’t bother children while they’re reading, try encouraging your child to read out loud to them once in a while. The soothing tone of their voice will help animals relax and make it easier for kids to focus on what they are saying.


9. Early Reader Tip: Don’t underestimate the power of flashcards

Flashcards are easy to make yourself—just use old greeting cards or magazines, cut out images that correspond with the letters of the alphabet or words that begin with different sounds, then staple or tape them together into small decks that can be handled easily by little hands. When your child is at a loss for words, offer them a peek at one of your decks and encourage them to make their best guess. Using flashcards from an early age will help kids become confident when trying to sound out real books.

10. Early Reader Tip: Read Early, Read Often

If there’s only one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: the best way to get young children interested in reading is simple—just do it! Try putting a basket by your bed full of picture books that you can share before bedtime or letting them have fun choosing a book for a quiet time with you or a sibling. The more you read together as a family, the faster your little ones will pick up new words and learn how to handle a book independently.



Kids who can read on their own before school are more likely to become successful readers later in life. Try these tips to make your child an early reader and see them grow into successful individuals.

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