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Fostering an Entrepreneurial Spirit Early On

Pinkey Sharma |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

Fostering an Entrepreneurial Spirit Early On

Table of Contents


In a world that’s constantly evolving and where traditional career paths are no longer the only routes to success, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit early on has become increasingly vital. Nurturing this mindset from a young age can ignite a lifetime of innovation, creativity, and adaptability. Whether or not a child grows up to become the next Elon Musk or Oprah Winfrey, instilling an entrepreneurial spirit equips them with invaluable skills that transcend industries and situations. So, how can we effectively cultivate this mindset from a young age?

What Is an Entrepreneurial Spirit?

The entrepreneurial spirit is a mentality and type of intrinsic motivation that drives change and innovation. It pushes people to take on complex challenges, innovate, and make the world a better place. It is most common in changemakers who are tired of living the status quo and desire to use their gifts to make a positive difference on Earth.

Top Traits of Entrepreneurial Spirit


Those with an entrepreneurial spirit feel a part of themselves compelled to pursue a specific purpose. Whether they’re a leader within a purpose-driven company or starting a movement of their own, they crave fulfilling a cause that positively affects others. Additionally, the product or service they sell is also powered by a specific purpose.


Successful entrepreneurs have different mindset when it comes to roadblocks. Instead of giving up when the going gets tough, they ask questions and pivot. This helps them find a way to overcome the obstacles facing them. They view problems as exciting challenges, even if others see them as insurmountable issues. 

Critical Thinking 

Those with entrepreneurial spirits are visionaries who constantly come up with new ideas and ways to improve, adapt, excel, and innovate the world around them. They use their vision and foresight to take calculated risks, avoid harm, and construct better paths to success. 


Those with an entrepreneurial mindset focus on acting instead of reacting. They’re always operating with the future in mind. For example, they go ahead and fix problems that, if left unresolved, could become huge issues down the road. As leadership expert John C. Maxwell describes, “If you’re proactive, you focus on preparing. If you’re reactive, you end up focusing on repairing.”


Those with entrepreneurial spirit are influential. Whether they’re motivating their team to keep pushing forward toward project completion or mentoring employees so they too can develop into leaders, they inspire, motivate, support, and encourage the people around them. This brings out the greatness in not only themselves but also in others. 

Positive Mindset

Optimism is something those with an entrepreneurial spirit seem to have in droves. This is because, as mentioned earlier, leaders think differently. Failure and challenges aren’t perceived as negative experiences—they’re learning opportunities that provide growth and room for new ideas. 


Financial success doesn’t just happen. Cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit takes grit, resilience, and dedication gives the performance. Based on entrepreneur, CEO, psychologist, and author Angela Duckworth’s study on success, grit is the defining factor in whether ambitious people reach their goals. In her book, she explains, “Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you’re willing to stay loyal to it . . . it’s doing what you love, but not just falling in love―staying in love.”

Conclusion Tips for Fostering Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurial spirits need nurturing. If they aren’t developed and grown, they will function as a drain. Working toward your passion and fulfilling your mission requires leadership skills. If you don’t know how to properly lead yourself and your employees, you’ll quickly find your business, health, and well-being suffering. To avoid these problems, implement the tips below. They will help you foster and grow the entrepreneurial mindset and characteristics you need to fully step into your calling.

 Chase Purpose Over Profits 

As the late CEO of Zappos Tony Hsieh once said, “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” This is because organizations without a purpose automatically set themselves up for failure. Both customers and team members want to help businesses that are committed to creating a better future. For example, a study from Accenture found that “63% of surveyed global consumers prefer to purchase products and services from companies that stand for a purpose that reflects their own values and beliefs, and will avoid companies that don’t.” 

 Lead with a Growth Mindset 

Like purpose, a growth mindset is a necessity for those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Those with a growth mindset have a positive mentality and see life as an exciting learning experience. They’re eager to learn new skills, push boundaries, take on challenges, and seek out knowledge that betters their leadership abilities. One of the most distinctive characteristics of a leader is that they’re always in motion. 

 Practice Actionable Thinking  

When leaders aren’t proactive, team members stop making headway on the company’s mission. They’re too busy fighting the battles in front of them. As explained earlier, an entrepreneurial spirit is a living, breathing, action-oriented force. For this reason, those who want to foster it must learn how to make good decisions they can put into implementation. To do this, they need to assess risks, develop an execution plan, and lead their employees in the right direction. 

 Get a Mentor 

Finally, successful entrepreneurs are fueled by mentorship. Working toward a just cause and a greater vision of the future can be depleting without this kind of assistance. A great mentor is a motivational and inspirational figure in your life who will push you to move forward in sustainable new ways. They do this by giving guidance, providing perspective, and supplying useful advice.



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