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Tips to raise a child who can manage money

Mautushi Paul |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

Tips to raise a child who can manage money

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Parents might be nervous when it comes to teaching children about money and money management. Money is big and abstract, but the earlier you start teaching your kids about it, the more equipped they will be when they are adults. Step one in teaching children how to manage their own money well is by modelling good behaviour yourself so that your kids see how responsible managing one’s cash can pay off.

Read on for tips to raise a child who doesn’t just know his way around the piggy bank – he knows exactly where every penny goes!


09 Tips To Raise A Child Who Can Manage Money

1) Start young

The earlier you begin talking to your child about finances properly (and not using hand-me-down terms like “money” or “I don’t have any money”), the better. Money doesn’t seem to be much of an issue when you are young, but it can quickly become one when a junior starts asking for toys or food. Set the stage early by having your child help with basic household chores like setting the table, taking out the trash, and helping sort laundry. The tasks won’t cost anything – but teach kids that there’s value even in things that don’t require money because often they do. This is an essential step in teaching your child money management.

2) Money is not just coins

Teaching children to recognise coins isn’t hard, but teaching them how to manage their cash flow is entirely different. Paper bills may not seem important at first, but understanding numbers and their meaning is an essential life skill. Money management is also about planning and understanding the value of time, so teach your child to count money in different denominations, look at paper bills, and understand how much money they have.


3) Money was made to work for you

Your children may have an allowance, but that doesn’t mean they should just sit in a piggy bank until they find something fun they want to buy. Money needs to be kept safe – which means not left out where siblings can take it – but it also needs to grow. This is an essential step in teaching your kid money management. Money that is left to accumulate might as well be called slush. Money needs to work for your child, so teach them how compound interest works or how they can save up their money until they have enough to invest in the stock market.

4) Money should never come before family

While teaching children about money management is essential, it should not come at the expense of other things. Children were not put on this earth just so they could find out what money does or how much something costs – although knowing those things are useful. The most important thing for parents is to teach their children right from wrong and show how much they love each other through actions, not words. Money can’t fix all problems, but it certainly doesn’t help if money itself is the problem.


5) Money should be used to help others

If children are taught that their role is to take care of others, they will want to make something of themselves. That doesn’t necessarily mean they need to become rich; it just means having the financial stability and freedom to do what they can for those less fortunate than them. Money management for kids should always entail showing how important it is to be selfless and considerate towards everyone around them, not just themselves. Money isn’t everything – but you can’t have everything without money.

6) Money should be used to help yourself

In saying that, money should only ever be used to better a person’s own life. Money can set us free or hold us captive depending on how you use it – so don’t let yourself become a slave to your left pocket! Money management for kids should always entail showing how important it is to be responsible and productive with what they have because their actions do have consequences.


7) Money management is not just about having money

When parents teach their children about the value of money by taking away these things as punishment, this doesn’t work. Money management is not just about having or lacking certain items; it’s also about using time wisely and planning for the future, which is why it’s important to teach your children about the value of time, among other things.

8) Money management is not just about saving up money

Instead of teaching their kids to focus only on accumulating more money, parents need to show their children how it’s also crucial to spend less than what one earns and be aware of spending all that money. Money management is not just for hoarders; it’s for everyone who possesses an income of any sort – this means having an awareness of how much one has and using it wisely.

9) Money can be used to purchase anything but should never buy happiness

It may give you the ability to purchase anything you want or desire. But this doesn’t guarantee true satisfaction because some things in life can’t be bought. Money can, however, make a person’s lifestyle more comfortable and enjoyable or give them access to better opportunities – this means money is important when it comes to being successful. It may not buy happiness, but it offers something just as close as contentment.



Money management for kids should be a priority of every parent. It is the best way to teach a child how to manage money properly and effectively. This case mainly focuses on teaching children from a young age how to use money wisely and avoid making mistakes when handling their finances. It is an essential skill that develops good habits for life

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