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5 Genius Ways To Make Your Child Love Reading Books

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Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

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5 Genius Ways To Make Your Child Love Reading Books

Table of Contents



Reading books has many benefits. The moment a child sees a new thing, they are inquisitive! They want to touch and hold it in their hands! This is how the anxious mind of a kid works. This is precisely where the role of a parent is essential. This is when you need to introduce them to things, which douse the fire of curiosity inside them. Things like colours, pictures, words, textures, characters, illustrations, and numbers.

Or something, which has it all, BOOKS!

What should you as parents do to help your kids become excellent readers? How do you instil the love for reading in kids?

Well, it is not difficult; scroll down to know more!



What is meant by reading books?


Reading books means reading the words from one side to the other and back again. Books are often divided into chapters – which in turn are subdivided into smaller parts called paragraphs or sections. Reading sometimes involves looking at pictures as well, usually found between two facing pages.

Following are the different styles of reading books:


Scanning is a style of reading books where the reader looks for a specific word or sentence. Reading is often done quickly, but attention to detail should still be maintained.


Skimming is a style of reading books that is similar to scanning only in that it also focuses on keywords instead of trying to understand everything; however, skimmers will not move their eyes back up from the bottom line once they reach “the end.”

Speed Reading

Speed reading is a style of reading books where the reader tries to figure out as much information about the text in as little time as possible. This often means disregarding typography or layout, and it can lead to misinterpretation.

Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is a type of book reading that is the opposite of speed reading. The reader focuses on understanding what they are reading and does not try to read as quickly as possible, because it is believed that extensive readers get more information from a text than people who skim or speed-read.


Rereading means reading over something you have already read in order to remember it better or see if your opinion has changed. This style can be considered helpful for those with low comprehension skills, but some research suggests rereading may cause problems for learners when trying to recall new content while avoiding old material.

Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is a very goal-oriented type of reading that does not focus on pleasure but instead focuses on understanding whatever content has been assigned by an instructor.

How is Reading Books Beneficial?


Reading books is a type of literacy. Reading can be very beneficial for children, both academically and socially. Reading helps develop language skills such as vocabulary, comprehension, and grammar. Reading also provides an escape from reality while developing imagination at the same time. Following are the benefits of reading books:

  • Reading books helps develop vocabulary, comprehension, and grammar in students
  • It provides an opportunity for them to explore new worlds through books which can be great escapism during difficult times or when they’re bored with schoolwork.
  • Reading books expands what children know about people who live differently than themselves.
  • Reading improves academic performance because it forces you into deep thought about concepts like plot structure, theme, etc. This makes them more able to understand subjects.

Why Do Most Children Dislike Reading Books?


Due to the following reasons, most of the children dislike reading books:

  • Reading does not come naturally for many students.
  •  Reading is hard for many children, especially if they’re not on the same level as their peers in terms of reading skills or maturity.
  • Reading can be boring at times because it’s just words and there are no pictures to look at while you read along with the sentences. This makes them want to do something else instead like listen to music or play games.

How You Can Make Children Love Reading Books?

There are many ways that parents can use to make children love reading books. Below are the top 5 ways:

Different perspectives matters


Show them the world through different perspectives by having them explore new worlds in stories with characters who look or live differently from themselves. This will help broaden what they know about people that are different from themselves and other cultures while expanding their imagination at the same time.

Let them choose books

Have your kids choose a series of books that interests them so that they’ll want to keep going. Reading a series is like reading one long story about new friends, exciting adventures, and learning more.

Share your love for books

Share your love of books by talking with them about what you’re reading. Reading aloud to children helps them develop their vocabulary; it also shows how much fun the act of reading can be!

Search for interesting contents

Find books that are interesting in content or layout for young readers – graphic novels may help develop comprehension skills because of the pictures; choose a series with at least two volumes so there’s something else on deck when one set ends!

Set up reading stations

Some ideas include setting up “reading stations,” which often consist of boxes filled with books staggered so kids have easy access to one book after another; reading aloud together, and discussing what was read (or listening) before moving on to a new chapter.



There are many ways to make children love reading books, and the ones we’ve shared here should help you get started on a path that works for your family.  Parents and teachers can also benefit from incorporating these strategies into their own home or classroom routine because it will lead to more engaged students with a better understanding of grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, comprehension skills, and an increased ability to read fluently. We would like to know how you have been successful in getting kids interested in reading at school or at home? 

Please share by commenting below with your thoughts!

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