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7 Best Possible Ways To Keep Child Motivated

Indrani Raha


Child Learning




null mins read

7 Best Possible Ways To Keep Child Motivated


As a kid, I was always self-motivated. I did everything on my own without being reminded. I used to set goals for myself and have always achieved them. Maybe this is all because my parents were partially uninvolved.

Some kids are self-motivated, while some need a little push here or a lot of prodding there. Let’s face it. Convincing your kids to do certain things they DON’T like to do can be challenging. And making them stop doing the things you don’t want them to do can be even trickier still. Confused about how to motivate your child?

Keep Your Kids Motivated Always to Tackle Their Behavioral Problems

Well, some of you might automatically think of bribing your child for every step he takes for good things and applying negative reactions for steps he takes for the wrong things. In reality, the best way is to go slow on the rewards and punishments and help him discover his inner- potential—help him tune into the feelings of success and the pride he feels for a task well done.

Be it how we can instill better self-esteem in young minds, or how we can motivate a child to do homework- there are abundant questions as such, and we have to reach some conclusions!! 

Seven Ways to Keep Children Motivated in the Long Run

So, what’s the best way to motivate children? The intrinsic motivation to learn about the world around us begins in infancy which can either be encouraged or suppressed by the experiences adults provide for children. So, let’s check out the seven best possible strategies that can help you keep your little ones motivated in the long run.

Getting involved with your kids is the key

“Be it long or short, a conversation is always better than an interrogation.”

As a parent, your presence in your child’s academic life is important to her commitment to work. Do homework with her, and always be available to answer her questions. Eventually, get in the habit of asking her about what she learned in school and generally engage her academically. This is especially effective with young minds who tend to be excited about whatever you’re excited about. 

Ps. : Teenagers can bristle if they feel you are asking too many questions. So dear parents, please make sure you are sharing the details of your day, too. Likewise, it’s crucial to stay involved but give children a little more space, or else they may develop behavioral issues and be less motivated to work.

Reward them for their good things

Most parents are often nervous about rewarding kids for good work. For they believe tangible rewards can indeed turn into a slippery slope. All you need to know is “the ways” and set conditions for rewarding them. Kids respond really well to praises, hugs, high fives, and so on- they even start feeling good about it. Thus, many neuropsychologists encourage parents to use rewarding activities, placing them after a set amount of time doing homework. Wondering what the rewards can be? Just try those that are easy to provide, and let your kids enjoy them as well. 

It’s time to know what makes your child tick

If questions like “what motivates my child, what does he really want, or what should I do to help him discover his goal and interest haunts your mind, then “listening to them very carefully is the key.”

Step far enough away to see your kid as an individual. Then observe what you see. Talk to him to find the answers to the questions above. And then listen—not to what you want the answers to be, but to what your child is saying. Respect his answers, even if you disagree. This kind of thought and approach will help your child stay motivated life-long.

Your child’s behavior is Not your fault

What if I tell you to look too closely in the mirror? Would you be able to see yourself except the blur? Surprisingly, if you get farther away, you are again able to see yourself more clearly.

It’s just the same with young minds. Sometimes we’re just so close, so trapped, that we just can’t see them as separate from us. But if you step back far enough, you will be able to see them as a person, you will realize what makes them tick. As a result, you will be able to understand and observe what works best for them, why they are reaching for certain things, or what gets them moving.

Let them make mistakes

To let them make mistakes is something that will help them keep themselves motivated

No one can get an “A” on every test or perfect scores on every assignment. It’s true. Kids need encouragement, and it’s great to push them to try their best. But what’s more important is to know that failures are natural. Sometimes the only way they learn how to properly prepare for life is by finding out what happens when they’re unprepared.

Help them see the big picture

For kids who have developed an understanding of delayed gratification, sometimes simple reminders of their long-term goals can help push them. It can help many school seniors to remind them that they could lose their acceptance if their scores drop too much or they might not be prepared for college courses. So dear parents, linking school up with their long-term goals can make the work feel more personally fulfilling. 

Reward effort rather than outcome

SMART work is great, but HARD work always pays off. 

Well, your message would be that you respect hard work way more than smart work. Praising kids for doing things despite being difficult, for making a sustained effort, or for trying things they’re not sure they can do successfully- all help teach them the pleasure of pushing themselves. Do not forget to praise them for the good marks they reap out of their hard work. 

Your takeaway

Does your child often feel that he is judged or less motivated? Or constantly scores less marks in maths? We can understand. It’s frustrating to see your child losing interest in academics as it can be difficult for the child himself to focus. Listen! It’s very important to keep your goals in perspective: Your child may not become a star student. But please make sure to focus on her effort and the commitment she shows instead of the outcome. 

Give your child some courtesy as both of you navigate this new normal. Some days may be tough. There’s no harm in taking your kid for a break along with you. Perhaps she needs a break more than she needs another hour of geometry! So your ultimate focus would be not to try and make your kid be someone she is not. But to help her reach her potential and keep her motivated always.

Wishing you all the best on this challenging but meaningful journey!

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