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Try Out These Top 6 Creative Activities for Kids in Preschool

orchidadmin |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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Children are born creative. We all know that. Give any three or four-year-old some paint, an empty room, and leave him for a minute. You would be surprised at all the modern art adorning the walls in less than 15 minutes. However, these pint-sized cuties need a little guidance to channel all that creativity into something productive, and that’s when we, step in. creative activities for kids is all about nurturing their imagination and promoting essential mental and physical development. Well, does that sound too complicated? Fear not!

Finding new, creative activities for kids at home are not only challenging but also seems downright impossible. On top of that, some parents juggle working from home with caring for their children. We have put together a list of new creative activities for kids in preschools that are as easy as making them eat chocolates and are sure to boost their creative genius.

Super easy and fun creative activities for kids!

a girl engaged in creative activities for kids

As any mother would know, it is hard to keep our little ones occupied for a long time. Children usually have a notoriously small attention span, making it difficult for us to breathe in peace. So, why not have some engaging and creative activities for kids lined up for preschoolers so that we as parents can have some time to ourselves? So let’s start!

Paper Plate Instruments

With just a few paper plates, dried beans, stapler, markers, glitter, glue, stickers, and other embellishments, teaching how to make tambourines and other musical instruments to our tiny tots is super fun! And what excites us is that it can be made from basic materials. Children will enjoy a musical instrument crafted from their own artistic hands! So, if you are in search of any creative activities for kids, this is it!

Tearing and pasting- the most favourite creative activities for kids

a kid busy with paper creative activity

Our children just love tearing papers, even though it’s annoying for most parents. So it’s not a bad idea to put this not-so-exciting hobby of theirs to some fair use. On days they really feel the itch to tear some paper, we should surprise them with tissue papers of different colours to tear. Offer them some glue and a sheet of paper with some object drawn on it. Now ask them to paste those torn pieces onto that object using their imagination and creativity. For example, if we draw a giant apple with a leaf on top, we need to give our munchkin one red and one green coloured tissue paper for him to tear and paste in the picture.

Besides being extremely satisfying and fun for them, these tearing and pasting creative activities for kids are a great way to help them develop their fine motor skills.

Waxed paper art

Does your child love to colour? Well, it’s the same for all of us. Be it on paper, books, or even on walls, they just love to doodle! But wait! Instead of offering them the same old drawing books and crayons, what if we break the monotony by offering them waxed paper? Rarely are kids presented with chances to draw on alternative sources such as wax paper that offer totally different results from colouring than on regular paper.

If a toddler-aged child loves to cut out shapes, give them pencils and crayons to decorate the paper to their heart’s content. As they watch nearby, we can carefully iron the art to create a seamless melding of bright, cheery colours and can hang up in the child’s room. To do these fantastic art and craft creative activities for kids, all we need is iron(only for us), wax paper, pencils, a sharpener, scissors, crayons, and string. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get arts with our little cuties.

Making of Slime – satisfying creative activities for kids

kid making orange slime

While there are several recipes out there, this is the most favourite recipe for creative activities for kids. It requires three ingredients: glue, contact lens solution, and baking soda. That’s it! To make slime, all we need to do is mix one 6-ounce bottle of glue with ½ teaspoon baking soda and 4 – 5 tablespoons of contact lens solution. Then mix a spoon or popsicle stick to stir the slime until it starts to thicken. Once it forms into a blob, use your hands to mix and knead it. The slime will eventually harden to the point where it moves as one unit. For additional fun, add in food colouring or glitter.

Create a box full of Happiness

It’s normal for children to feel stressed out as they are stuck at home for several months due to such lockdown. But hey, hold on! A happiness box is a great resource and is sure to ease out their stress, anxiety, or fear. Decorating an old shoebox with bright colours, smiley faces, suns, and other happy things will do wonders. After completing the decoration outside, we can fill the box with things that make our child happy. Be it their favourite book, a photo that would make them smile, their favourite jokes, pieces of candy, or a letter from a loved one- we can plan it all!

Treasure out of the trash

We all want our tots to get creative and use our imagination. And to encourage them, the best we can do is to ask them to make a pile of unused items at home that are waiting to be headed for the trash. It can be anything: broken appliances, empty bottles, or even wrappers. We just have to tell them to invent something new and creative with those pieces within 5 minutes. After 5 minutes is over, we can just let them explain their new invention and give it a name.

Why are creative activities for kids important?

creative activities for kids promotes development

These are a few of the most creative activities for kids that are engaging and are sure to boost up their energy every day. What’s essential is giving them the required space and time to be creative and take the lead. Whether it’s gloomy, or a bright sunny morning, choose any one of these creative activities for kids. All we need to remember is that creative activities are not just airy-fairy feel-good things – they help our child develop intellectually, physically and socially. So, it’s better to loiter around the garden or park rather than just being confined or restricted to the home.

And if you feel these ideas are not sufficient and are looking for creative activities for kids that will not just keep your little one busy but also provide hours of learning through fun and play, then check out more creative DIY activities on our blog. There are several options to choose from…and you have got so much time!



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