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5 Reasons to Celebrate World Food Safety Day!

Mautushi Paul


Days and Festival




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Did you know that there is a special day set aside to celebrate world food safety? That’s right, every year, on April 7th, we take a moment to reflect on the importance of safe and healthy food. After all, what could be more important than making sure our families are eating nutritious and safe food? This year, why not take some time to learn more about how to keep your family safe from foodborne illnesses? There are lots of great resources out there, and World Food Safety Day is the perfect opportunity to get started!



Top five reasons why World Food Safety Day is a must!

1. Food safety is everyone’s responsibility

From the farmer to the factory worker to the grocery store clerk, we all have a role to play in ensuring that the food we eat is safe.

2. Foodborne illnesses are a real threat

Every year, millions of people around the world get sick from eating contaminated food. In fact, food borne illnesses are responsible for about 420,000 deaths each year.

3. Children are especially vulnerable to foodborne illness

Children under the age of five are particularly susceptible to foodborne illness, as their immune systems are not yet fully developed.

4. Good food safety practices can save lives

By following simple food safety recommendations, we can all help to prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses.

5. Food safety is everyone’s responsibility

From farmers and food manufacturers to retailers and consumers, we all have a role to play in ensuring the food we eat is safe.

Eight thrilling activities for kids to celebrate World Food Safety Day!

1. Cook together

What better way to learn about food safety than to cook together? Cooking together is a great way to learn about food safety. Engage the entire family in the preparation of a meal, and emphasise the significance of handwashing, correct cooking, and preventing cross-contamination.

2. Have a picnic

Plan a safe picnic lunch, using food that can be easily transported and doesn’t need to be kept cold. Talk about the importance of packing food correctly and ensuring everyone knows how to spot the signs of food spoilage.

3. Visit a farmers’ market

Take a trip to your local farmers’ market and talk to the growers about how they ensure their fruits and vegetables are safe to eat. Find out what methods they use to control foodborne illness, and ask about the safety precautions they take during harvest and transport.

4. Grow your food

If you have the space, start a small garden and grow some of your own fruits and vegetables. Not only will you get to eat fresh, delicious produce, but you’ll also learn a lot about food safety in the process. Start small, with just a few plants, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can learn about keeping your food safe to eat.

5. Educate yourself and others about food safety

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of foodborne illness is to educate yourself and others about food safety. Keep up with the latest news on food recalls and outbreaks, and learn as much as you can about how to keep your food safe. Then, share what you’ve learned with friends and family. The more we know about food safety, the better we can protect ourselves and our families from foodborne illnesses!

6. Keep your kitchen clean

One of the simplest ways to reduce the risk of foodborne illness is to keep your kitchen clean. That means washing your hands often, cleaning surfaces and utensils, and keeping food properly refrigerated. It’s also important to keep up with regular maintenance on your kitchen appliances, like your stove, oven, and fridge. Washing your hands is one of the most important things you can do to prevent foodborne illness. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you prepare food, after you handle raw meat or poultry, and after you use the bathroom. It’s also a good idea to wash your hands after handling garbage or anything else that could be contaminated. Cleaning surfaces and utensils are also important in preventing foodborne illness. Be sure to clean all cutting boards, countertops, and knives with hot soapy water after each use. It’s also important to regularly clean your stove, oven, fridge, and any other appliances that come into contact with food.

7. Turn to organic food with your kids.

Organic food is not only healthier for your kids, but it also teaches them where their food comes from and how it’s grown. Take them to a local farmers market or sign them up for a CSA (community-supported agriculture). Let them help you cook dinner with organic ingredients, and explain to them why you choose organic foods. Pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic chemicals are not used in the production of organic food. It’s also non-GMO, and it’s often fresher and tastier than conventional food. Eating organic is a great way to reduce your family’s exposure to harmful chemicals and support sustainable farming practices.

8. Watch a documentary on food safety with your kids.

Eating healthy and organic foods is great, but it’s also important to be aware of food safety. Many documentaries are available that discuss the dangers of contaminated food and how to avoid them. Watching one of these films with your kids can help them understand the importance of being careful with what they eat. It may even inspire them to help out with meal prep and cooking, to make sure the food they’re eating is as safe as possible.


Today is World Food Safety Day, a time to reflect on the importance of food safety and how we can work together to keep our families safe from foodborne illness. It’s also an important day to remember parents’ vital role in ensuring their children are eating safely. As a parent, you can do some basic things every day to help protect your family from harmful bacteria and contaminants in foods. Follow these tips on World Food Safety Day and keep your loved ones healthy and safe every day. Thanks for reading!


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