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10 Things You Can Teach Your Kids On The Women's day

Mataushi Paul |

Days and Festival |

2024-08-08 |

null mins read

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Every year on March 8, Women’s Day is commemorated. It is commemorated to recognise the contributions of women to society and the country. Women have a huge impact on the growth and life of the country. However, there are still a number of socio-cultural barriers that women are working to close. While you may believe your child is too young to comprehend gender inequity, income disparities, women’s safety, and empowerment, this is not the case. But now is the moment to lay the groundwork for their comprehension and to teach them about women’s rights.



This Women’s Day, your child will learn about women’s empowerment, safety, and the elimination of discrimination. Let us educate kids about women’s rights to grow up to be strong supporters of women rights and responsible members of society.

10 Things to Teach Your Kid on Women’s Day

Here are the 10 things you can teach your kids on women’s day.

1) Women Rights

They should understand that women have the same rights as males. Even our society discriminate between men and women. Tell kids that women have had the right to study, work, vote, and live the lives they want for a long time. Other rights that women have include the right to own property, all fundamental rights, and not being considered as a commodity. Teaching your child about women’s rights at a young age will assist them in becoming responsible citizens.

2) Respect Women

Instill in your child a respect for women. In any circumstance, no one has the right to make women uncomfortable. Teach your children that if a woman is harassed, they must be prepared to face the repercussions. Women will be less likely to be exploited physically or emotionally if they are respected, which will lead to fewer crimes against women. This International Women’s Day educates your children that women are not commodities to be exploited.

3) Women’s Safety

You should tell your child that women have the right to live in a safe environment free of violence and instability. You can teach them how to keep away from all forms of offences on Women’s Day, and ask them never purposefully to hurt anybody else, no matter what problem arises between you two when playing at home or elsewhere.

4) Never Discriminate Against Women

You can teach your child that women are not necessarily more capable than males, but that they can, in some situations, prove to be equal to men. This Women’s Day, teach your children that there is no difference between men and women regarding their qualities or capabilities.

5) Let Women Get Their Share of Freedom

On this women’s day, you can ask your children if they know why women get less freedom than men? You should tell them that it is because of the traditional thoughts of our society which believes women should stay at home like a queen while men come out and earn for the family, making them feel only he has every right to choose what he wants to do in his life. Teach your child that women should always have the freedom to choose what she wants to do with their life.

6) Let Women Work Hard Just Like Men

This Women’s Day, you should also remind your kids that a woman does not always have to handle home tasks and other responsibilities alone; instead, she could work hard in her areas of interest and abilities so that she can be self-sufficient on her own terms. Also, let them know that women are not always women when it comes to home tasks compared to when they work alongside men.

7) Women’s Empowerment

This Women’s Day, teach your children about the importance of women’s empowerment. Talk to them about women who serve in the military, legislators, women who are movement leaders, and women who are capable of accomplishing anything they set their minds to. Teach kids that women, too, can be powerful if they believe in themselves. While doing so, they will realise that empowerment can come from anywhere. Even a single step in the direction of women’s empowerment is a step in the right direction.

8) Women Need More Than Just One Day of Appreciation

You should also teach your children on this Women’s Day that women require not just admiration but also equality in society. Also, teach kids how vital it is for everyone to respect women throughout the year, not just on Women’s Day. Teach them that women’s happiness is not limited to one day. Women in our life should be content all year.

9) Be the Change You Want to See

This International Women’s Day educates your children to be the change they wish to see in the world. Start with the basics, such as how kids should stop discriminating and accepting stereotypes such as that certain toys or games are just for girls or that girls are not allowed to participate in physical activities. Teaching your children to do so will help make women’s day a reality.

10) A Women is Not a Symbol of Fragility but an Epitome of Strength and Courage.

On Women’s Day, please do not teach your children that women are made up of sweetness and fragility. Teach kids that women are capable of standing on their own, even when confronted with adversity. Women are also courageous enough to take on difficulties that men would find difficult. They can also be as tough as nails.


Women may not be superheroes, but they are women, and as such, they are capable of dealing with any situation. Happy Women’s Day! I hope this blog will help you teach your children to respect women and the importance of this Women’s Day.

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