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Conservation of Natural Resources

Pinkey Sharma |

Environmental Awareness |

2024-08-30 |

null mins read

Natural Resources

Table of Contents

Imagine that your family has a set of special toys; all of them have a use and all of them can be precious. You would not like to waste those toys or see them break easily. The same goes for our planet, there are so many important resources that we have to use wisely and so that they will last for everybody now and in the future. Such resources, therefore, are very vital for survival and form the reason for general existence. This requires that the resources be conserved in order to ensure healthy and balanced surroundings. The article addresses what natural resources are, why they are important and how you and your family can help in the conservation of natural resources. Come on, let us all journey to this exciting world: the world of Natural Resources and know how to make a difference!

What are Natural Resources, and Why Should We Conserve Them?

Natural resources are those materials or substances that are taken from the Earth and are used by living things to survive and thrive. They include things such as air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, and minerals. 

Kinds of Natural Resources

Renewable Resources

They are resources that can be renewed naturally, and for that reason, they are usually abundant. They include: 

Solar Energy: The energy from the sun is such a strong, yet at the same time, endless supply of energy. We harness this to produce electricity through solar panels, which is a cleaner alternative to using fossil fuels.

Wind: Energy is derived from the wind, and turbines convert it into electricity. It is a renewable source and does not deplete natural resources or cause air pollution.

Trees: They offer an oxygen supply and shade for wildlife. In addition, trees are used for by-products like building materials, paper, among others. They grow back, and thus they can be replenished, yet they should be handled in a sustainable way to discourage deforestation.

Water: Water is the basic prerequisite to life. It flows into the environment naturally and recycles, but human activities will affect availability and quality. While renewable resources regenerate, their use at higher rates than the rate at which they regenerate will eventually deplete them. 

Non-renewable resources 

A non-renewable resource is one that cannot be easily replaced once it has been used up. Examples include:

Fossil fuels: They are the remains of plants and animals that are millions of years old; they also include coal, oil, and natural gas. They take millions of years to be formed and are very slowly re-formed once spent. Their extraction and use can result in harmful environmental effects. Fossil fuels are burnt to produce heat and steam to generate electricity. Efforts are being made to make fossil fuels environmentally friendly.

Minerals: Gold, silver, and iron are all metals mined from the Earth. Such natural resources are not only scarce but also take thousands of years to form. Mining can be so harsh that several complete natural ecosystems have been destroyed and it was painful for the vast life and plants.

Nuclear Fuels: Uranium and other materials used in nuclear power plants are non-renewable. It can be very helpful in producing significant amounts of energy, but it may also show flaws about safety and waste disposal.

Why Should Natural Resources Be Conserved?

Conservation of Natural resources must be carried-out for several reasons:

Environmental Protection: Overexploitation and misapplication of resources lead to the degradation of the environment. For example, the increase in logging results in deforestation. This not only disrupts the balance in the ecosystem, but also causes global warming.

Secure the Future Generations: There are many ways to conserve natural resources. We would like to ensure that our resources remain available to future generations at the level we have today. When they are being taken too quickly, then they may no longer exist when our children and grandchildren need them.

Ecological Balance: Natural resources in human environments are interlinked. For example, trees provide oxygen habitat to the wild animals, while water is used by both plants and animals. Learning the values of conservation of natural resources and their impacts on our world would enable us to make informed decisions in the protection of these resources.

Water, Energy, and Forest Conservation Tips

1. Save Water

Water is one of the most critical commodities. It saves not the environment alone, but also the pocket of the consumer.

Some of the tips which can save water follow:

Turn off the taps: Turn off the taps periodically while brushing your teeth, washing hands, or washing dishes. That may help save gallons each year.

Fix Leaks: Water dripping? A leaking toilet? That's a lot of wasted gallons of water. If you see one, report it to an adult who can help you fix it.

Short Shower Times: Showers waste a lot of water. One should try as much as possible to shorten the time spent taking a shower and even opt for one instead of taking a bath, all in the quest for saving water. 

Harvest rainwater: Put up a barrel or two where water falling off the roof may be collected to water patio or garden plants, lessening the use of tap water.

Water Plants Wisely: Water your plants whether for a garden in the cool morning or evening to minimize the water that will be lost. Water should be controlled by the use of a watering can and not a hosepipe.

2. Conserve Fuel

It runs our houses, our schools, and many of our gadgets. Here are ways that you can assist in saving energy:

Lights Out: When leaving a room, turn out the lights. That way, it's not a waste of electricity, and will save your family money off their electric bill. 

Powered-Down Devices: Some devices consume a lot of electricity even while turned off; turn off chargers, computers, and other devices if no one is using them.

Energy-Efficient Appliances: Energy-efficient appliances consume relatively lower power for conducting all the tasks. You can convince your parents to choose options with the ENERGY STAR sticker, which would be proof that the appliances have met the high energy saving capabilities tests.

Thermostat setting: Lower the thermostat during winters and put on warmer clothes to keep yourself warm. During summers, increase the thermostat and turn on the fans to let the cool breeze flow through the house.

Natural Light: Use natural light; keep curtains and blinds open in the day, and it will save on some electricity that you could otherwise use with artificial lights.

3. Saving Forests

They shelter the wildlife, clean the air, give us resources like timber, etc. And here is how you can save a forest:

Paper Recycling: If paper is being recycled, less tree cutting will happen. Use both sides of the paper up to the whole length, and try to avoid waste as much as possible.

Buying Sustainable Products: Use products from managed forests. Look for labels indicating that the product comes from organizations certified by groups like the Forest Stewardship Council.

Plant Trees: Organize tree-planting activities with your community or by yourself with your best friends or in school. Trees balance the environment, thus helping to offset the damages brought by deforestation.

Respect Wildlife: While visiting forests, please heed the signs, do not disturb or harm wildlife and vegetation, always be on marked tracks, and carry away any rubbish that was brought in.

Learn About Forest Conservation: Make sure both you and others around you understand how much forests contribute to the environment and how to conserve them. Knowing just what the functions of forests are can motivate more people to take action.

Such tips go a long way in protecting our valuable water resources, saving energy, and maintaining our forests health.

Role of Individual in Conservation of Natural Resources

Sustainable practices are ways of living and operating that affect very little but help in conservation of natural resources. They ensure that even as we meet our needs with very same resources, we are not running the risk of failing to meet the needs of coming generations. Here is the difference sustainable practices can make:

It reduces wastes through recycling, composting, and reducing the quantity of things used and subsequently thrown away. In this way, landfills are not clogged up with filth, and resources which are already present in a used condition are also re-purposed, hence saving on pollution. For example, food wastes and grass leaves, other remains of plants when composed, become fertile soil to grow new plants.

Energy produced from renewable sources: Solar panels, turbines, and hydropower do not rely on the extraction of finite stocks. The use of renewable energy can reduce our dependence on fossil fuel, which is a source of pollution and regarded as a leading contributor to climate change.

Consume Less Meat: A significant volume of resources goes into the production of meat—the water, land, and feed. Redoing the amount of meat or choosing sustainably sourced ones, lowers the environmental impact of food production. You are able to cut down how much you eat meat or come up with more plant-based meal ideas.

Support your local farmers: Buying your products within your locale or region, especially fruits and vegetables, will ensure a reduction in the amount of energy utilized while at the same time ensuring that there are very minimal carbon emissions used during the equipment transporting of the foodstuffs.

A More Natural Touch: Check the composition of the products; they are made from recycled material or are reusable. Most of the time, what characterizes environmentally-friendly products is that they conserve the environment and reduce the depletion of natural resources.

You, in a sense, create an environment that's healthier and ensure natural resources are around for posterity.

Saving Measures : Natural resources for kids

Conservation of natural resources can also be fun and rewarding. Here are some workable ways so that you, and your family can help out to conserve the natural resources for kids:

Plant a Garden: Raising all your vegetables and fruits can help understand the origin and transfer of food and the reason why one does not need to purchase as many as from the store. This also helps conserve resources since food shopping is not one necessity –since that decreases a carbon footprint significantly.

Participate in Clean-Up Days: Engage in community clean-up activities by collecting the garbage in your surrounding and keeping your environment clean. This prevents the dumping of garbage on natural landscapes and the killing of animals.

Use Reusable Products: Utilizing re-usable goods, for example, bags and water bottles, among others will prevent the creation of wastes that flow to landfills and eliminate the necessity to collect raw materials that assist in the making of new ones.

Bring others in learning: Share your experience on conservation of natural resources with friends and family. The more people become aware of the value that natural resources hold, the greater impact we make. You might want to make a presentation or simply write an article for your school newsletter spreading the word.

Conserve energy at school: Ask the teachers and classmates to turn off the lights and computers when they are not in use. Participate in a more general, school-wide activity on energy reduction, e.g. energy saving campaigns or projects.

Start a Recycling Station: Establish a recycling station at home or school and sort things that could be recycled—papers, plastics, metals—from waste. Let everyone put good use to it and not throw so much waste.

Research Eco-Friendly Technologies: Keep updating yourself with new technologies developed to save natural resources. Some of them include energy-saving appliances, water-saving devices, and eco-friendly building material. Discuss the technologies with your family and think of ways by which you can integrate them into your home. By these actions, you will have conserved the natural resources and offered a clean environment to everybody.


Everybody is participating in the game of natural resources in the same way players do in a team game. Being resourceful of resources, saving energy, and caring for our environment are contributions that we can make to this cause. It makes a difference whether you turn off the tap, plant a tree, or recycle.

Take an initiative to keep our planet a beautiful place, now and forever. We shall understand the worth of natural resources and put practical measures for conservation of natural resources. So that we, one and all, can do something positive for making a better world for ourselves and the coming generations.

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