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Anger Management For Kids

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

anger management for kids

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Anger is a natural emotion that we all experience occasionally, but if you find yourself becoming angry frequently, you might want to try one of these anger management tactics.

Hormonal changes, low self-esteem, and fear of voicing their feelings make it difficult for teenagers to regulate their anger. While most kids learn to control their anger over time, others may continue to struggle with anger management due to underlying anxiety, depression, or other common mental health disorders.

Anger Management Techniques

If you’re frequently angry and have trouble controlling your emotions, you can benefit from these anger management tactics.

Take a look at the list and try one of the techniques the next time you’re upset. Consider remembering the approach as a skill you can use whenever you are upset if it helps you stay calm and in control of your rage. If that doesn’t work, find another technique and experiment with it. You don’t have to apply all of these anger management tactics; only those that work for you should be used. When it comes to anger management, there is no right or wrong formula; find what works for you and stay with it.

Analyze Anger

Angry sentiments can arise even if you’re not furious at a specific person or scenario. For example, you’ve heard the phrase “hangry,” which refers to the twitchy, unpleasant feeling that comes with being hungry. Anxiety, despair, exhaustion, and fear can all feel like rage at times, even though they are all distinct emotions. There are also several types of anger, ranging from moderate annoyance to raging fury.

Take a few minutes to figure out what you’re truly feeling when you sense yourself becoming furious. 

Have you had any recent meals? 

Did you have a restful night’s sleep the night before? 

Are you concerned about a pending exam? 

Is the scenario causing you to be furious because it irritates you or filled with rage? 

Knowing what you’re really feeling can help you figure out what you need to do to help yourself.

Express Feelings Using the Right Words

It’s critical to understand how to advocate for yourself and your feelings using forceful language that isn’t disrespectful or abusive; instead of expressing something like “you always…” or “you never…”, start with how you feel. For example, saying to your parents, “You’re usually late when it’s time to drive me somewhere!” is likely to make them defensive. Instead, say something like, “When we’re late, I become concerned because I’ll get in trouble if I’m not working on time.” Rather than an argument, this is more likely to result in cooperative problem-solving.

It’s not easy to express your emotions. Sometimes we just can’t seem to find the right words. Sometimes we say things that we don’t mean. Nonetheless, you can improve your capacity to convey your emotions with effort. If you’re having trouble finding the right words in the heat of the moment, try writing them down or talking to yourself first. This technique can be used on paper, with a friend, or in private, which makes it one of the most effective anger management techniques on the list.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

You should find a means to physically relax if your anger causes you to clench your fists, grind your teeth, or tighten your muscles. You’ll have better control over your emotions if you relax your body. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Meditation is a practice that can be done at any time and in any location. You don’t have to meditate for an hour with your eyes closed; once you figure out how to do it, you’ll be able to take only a minute to breathe deeply and focus on letting go of your furious sentiments.

More strategies to relax your body and focus your thoughts include yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

Get Physical Exercise

Why is exercise listed in this list of ways to deal with anger?

Have you ever noticed how peaceful and relaxed you feel after a good workout? Endorphins, or feel-good hormones, are released during exercise. You will be physically and mentally healthier if you exercise every day. You’ll notice that your moods are more consistent, that you sleep better, and that your anxiety levels decrease. All of these can help you feel less irritable and angry. Going for a quick run will help you alleviate some of those sentiments while also giving you time to think about the situation and decide your next course of action if you are in the thick of an angry situation.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal of your emotions might help you look back and see patterns over time. Make a note of the date and hour when you’re irritated. Include details about what’s going on and how you’re feeling. Look back after a few weeks to see if any moments or situations are causing you to become angry. It’s possible that you’re not getting enough sleep or that you need a more pleasant wake-up ritual if you’re the irritable first thing in the morning. If you’re always irritated after math class, it’s possible that the class is too stressful for you. Try to find ways to make it less unpleasant (e.g. a math tutor, switching into a different math class, or simply using your relaxation techniques during or after the class).

We advise you to scribble down your thoughts and feelings daily, as this is one of the most often utilized anger management approaches.

Listen to Music

You most likely have preferred music that helps you relax or motivates you to work out or devote time to a rigorous study session. Find music that makes you feel better when you’re angry, as well. Hard rock, country music, or even calming classical music are all possibilities. Experiment with different music to find what helps you feel better, and construct a playlist or two for when you’re annoyed or agitated. Music can help you focus on something other than whatever makes you angry.

Know When to Get Help

There are occasions when the rage isn’t healthy or normal. If you become angry more often than you don’t get furious, you may have an anger issue. Also, if you are acting aggressively or violently, you may want professional assistance to manage your anger appropriately. There’s no shame in asking for help; adults also need to improve their anger management skills. It’s better to get a grasp on it now rather than later when you’re an adult. Because anger can have a detrimental impact on your career and adult relationships, the skills you acquire today can last a lifetime. Talk to your parents, a coach, or another trusted adult if you need help regulating your anger management skills. Your doctor can also refer you to a mental health professional who can help you figure out what’s generating your offence and teach you how to manage it so it doesn’t harm your life.

Also Read:

Tips for Controlling Anger Management in Teenagers

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