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Why Making Time for Your Kids Is a Necessity?

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

making time for kids

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As parents, we know that making time for our kids is a necessity. We need to be there for them, both emotionally and physically. But what are the benefits of making time for our kids? And how can we make sure that we’re spending enough quality time with them? In this post, we’ll discuss some of the benefits of making time for our kids, as well as ideas on how to make more quality time with them. So read on to learn more!



Ten top reasons why making time for kids is a must!

1. Helps with their development

When we make time for our kids, we’re helping them develop in several ways. We’re providing them with the opportunity to learn how to interact with others, explore their surroundings, and try new things. All of these experiences are essential for their physical, mental, and emotional development.

2. Teaches them important life skills

In addition to helping with their development, making time for our kids also teaches them important life skills. For example, they learn how to communicate with others, how to be patient, and how to share. These are all skills that they’ll need as they grow up and enter the workforce. Making time for our kids also helps them to develop a sense of responsibility. When they see us taking care of our responsibilities, they learn that they have to do the same. This is an important lesson that will serve them well throughout their lives.

3. It helps to build a strong relationship

Making time for our kids also helps build a strong relationship between them and us. This is important because it’s the foundation they’ll need as they grow up and enter the workforce. They need to trust us and know we’re there for them. When they see us making time for them, they’ll know that we care about them and are willing to make sacrifices for them. This will help build a strong foundation for our relationship that will last a lifetime.

4. Allows us to be role models

When we make time for our kids, we also set a good example for them. We’re showing them what it means to be responsible and prioritise the important things in life. They’ll learn from our example, and they’ll be more likely to make time for their children when they grow up. Making some hour for our kids is one of the most important things we can do as parents. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. Our kids need us, and we need them. We’re building a foundation for a lifetime of love and happiness by making time for them.

5. Allows us to create lasting memories

Making time for our kids also allows us to create lasting memories. We’ll never forget the special moments we share with them. These memories will be a source of joy and comfort for us throughout our lives. When we make some hour for our kids, we make memories that will last a lifetime.

6. Teaches kids how to be independent

Making time for our kids also teaches them how to be independent. They learn that they can rely on themselves and that they don’t always need us. This is an important lesson that will serve them well throughout their lives. By making hout for our kids, we’re helping them become independent adults.

7. It gives us a break

Parenting is hard work. It can be exhausting and overwhelming at times. Making some hour for our kids gives us a much-needed break from the everyday demands of parenting. It allows us to recharge and rejuvenate to be better parents. When we make time for our kids, we’re also making time for ourselves.

8. Keeps us young

Let’s face it; parenting can make us feel old. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget what it’s like to be young and carefree. Making some hours for our kids helps us remember what it’s like to be young. It allows us to relive our childhoods through our children and enjoy the simpler things in life. It’s a great way to stay young at heart.

9. It’s good for our health

Studies have shown that parents who make time for their kids are generally healthier and live longer than those who don’t. So, not only is making time for our kids good for them, but it’s also good for us. It’s a win-win situation!

10. It helps us bond with our kids

Making time for our kids is a great way to bond with them. We get to know them better and they get to know us better. The more moment we spend with them, the closer we become. And that’s a good thing for both of us.

Four ways to spend time with your kids!

1. Do something together that you both enjoy

One great way to spend time with your kids is to do something together that you both enjoy. This could be as simple as going for a walk or playing a game together. The important thing is that you’re spending time together and doing something you both enjoy.

2. Talk to them

Another great way to spend time with your kids is to talk to them. This is a great way to get to know them better and to find out what’s going on in their lives. It’s also a great way to bond with them.

3. Help them with something

Another great way to spend time with your kids is to help them with something. This could be something as simple as helping them with their homework or teaching them how to do something new. The important thing is that you’re spending some hours together, and you’re helping them with something.

4. Go on an adventure

One great way to spend hours with your kids is to go on an adventure together. This could be something as simple as going for a hike or visiting a new place. The important thing is that you’re spending time together and you’re doing something new.


It’s hard to overestimate the importance of making time for kids. They are, after all, our future. But it’s not just about setting aside time for them—it’s also about how we spend that hour together. Quality parenting responsibilities matter more than quantity. So take a breath, relax, and enjoy those special moments with your little ones. They may be growing up too quickly, but at least you have plenty of chances to make up for a lost time. How do you make time for your kids? What are your favourite parenting responsibilities?

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