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How to Promote Positive Behavior in Children?

Pallavi Gulati


Parents Corner




null mins read


Why Positive Behavior is Important for Kids

Children are one of the most suggestible beings on the planet. They learn everything quickly. So we have to be careful about what we imprint in their tenuous minds and sow positive behavior. The first and second year of the toddler is one of the most important. This is the time that they couldn’t listen to us but copy us. Positive behavior can be reinforced only with an optimistic and encouraging approach. This will help them in daycare, schools, colleges, and finally, throughout life. As an adult, the child will have a better outlook on life because his/her behavior is positive and possesses little to no negativity at all.

7 Effective Ways To Promote Positive Behavior In Children

1) Role model

Children spend their earlier years with their moms. Any action that the mom does, the child imitates. It’s evolution. So best to avoid expressing anger or sadness at the child’s presence, at least in their early years. Differences of opinions between adults in the house can be solved with reason rather than loud arguments. Providing a peaceful and healthy environment for the child to thrive is as crucial as nutrition. This will be the most significant first few of the children, helping them shape their whole lives ahead.

2) Firm

When a child misbehaves, do not yell at them. A firm shake of the head and tightening of the face is enough. How you deal with the child greatly influences their reactions and how they behave with other children. The ‘punishments’ should fit the ‘crime.’ Overreactions are almost always going to scar the child in one way or another; the child might even get social anxiety or other problems that will show up in the future.

positive behavior in kids through firmness

3) Commendation

The flip side to the previous point, when a kid does something to help you, thank him/her. Not only does it make them feel good, but they will also follow in your footsteps and say ‘thank you’ when someone else does them a favor. A reward might also be in order. An agreement can be made. For example, you might ask the child to help you with a specific chore; when they finish it, you can reward them with a scoop of their favorite ice-cream or an extended TV time. This will prevent entitlement, with a side lesson of working to earn something.

4) Apology

When you accidentally step on someone’s toe or drop something and make noise, you should apologize. So the next time a child does something wrong, he/she will have the heart to apologize. By doing this, you teach a fundamental lesson to the kid: It doesn’t matter if you are older or possess greater authority. If you do something wrong, you should have the heart to apologize.

5) Use reason, not authority

Most parents operate under the impression that children do not understand the reason. That is wrong. When you correct a child for some mistake that he/she made, you should tell them why it is wrong and why such behavior is unacceptable. The same can be applied when you ask them for help. Even though the child won’t understand it initially, as they become older, they will. 

6) Eating

Most of us would rather eat tasty junk food than consuming a vegetable. But if you infuse the idea of eating healthily, children will follow. Every meal must contain fruit and two different types of vegetables. There is no bargaining at the dining table. Whatever has been severed should be eaten. Eventually, the child will learn to do it themselves. And it will help them avert so many health problems, primarily obesity that is plaguing the current generation. 

promote positive behavior through healthy eating

7) Communication

Talk openly with the child. Every day make time to listen to them actively. And then offer your opinions on the subject if it is needed. One of the most prevalent shortcomings of people is, they listen to reply. Not to just listen. This will help them be patient and develop empathy. You can do the same by sharing the ups and downs of your day. When children learn how to communicate correctly, they can avoid many issues, including social anxiety.

Your Takeaway

Raising a kid is tough, but raising them right is tougher. With patience, every child can be taught discipline and develop positive behavior. Though one of the reasons to have a well-behaved child is to prevent embarrassment at family gatherings, the most important benefit is for the kids themselves. Learning these things very young will help them get ahead in life faster.

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