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The Psychology of Being Organized

orchidadmin |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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Child psychology is wide and has different aspects. People often get confused between the terms ‘neat’ and ‘organized’ and end up using these two interchangeably. But, that’s not the case in reality. For the sake of argument, let’s compare these two words – neat vs being organized. Neat means tidy while organized means systematically arranged. Therefore, it is not the same and it does not necessarily mean if someone is neat they are going to be organized too. 

But why are we talking about it? That’s because we want you to understand that when we talk about training your mind to be more organized, we are not talking about tidying up your room or sorting out the mess in your wardrobe. What we are trying to say is, training you to have a more ordered approach to how you deal with things, which will not only help improve productivity but also bring mental peace and balance into what can be an otherwise chaotic life.

Scientific Benefits of Being Organized

Neuroscience tells us that, when a person has too much clutter surrounding them, this can cause their thoughts to get overwhelmed which then causes issues such as anxiety, distress, panic attacks etc. Children can often be subjected to it, and this might lead to an undermined child development. However, this can be addressed by proper child psychology initiatives and psychology development methodologies to initiate the process of being organized. 

The psychology of being organized is a multifarious subject. It helps them fight anxiety and other issues. There are many facets to the psychological development of being organized and it can be difficult to find what works best for you, as there are so many different techniques out there. Child development psychology is not something that can be learnt in a day, it takes patience and effort. Give it time, and when it works the psychological development of a child will be a cakewalk. 

10 Best Ways of Training your Children in Being Organized

Here are the 10 best ways of training your children to become organized: 

  1. Give them small segmented tasks over a period of time. Parents should understand that the children need small multiple goals instead of one massive task. Research has shown, children tend to perform better that way. 
  2. Focus on the process, not just the outcome of what is being done for children to help them being organized. For example: if there are crayons spread out all over the floor and table – focus on making your children help you clean up the mess rather than telling them to pick and put back all the crayons perfectly in the box. 
  3. Parents should make sure that they are spending quality time with their children by doing things together and teaching them how to do household chores, like if you are baking a cake for them, they can do the whipping or if you are getting their breakfast ready, they can fetch the eggs meanwhile etc. While being organized, children will feel more confident if they have a sense of belonging and accomplishment in what they’re doing around the home. 
  4. It is important for a child to have some responsibility in the house because it develops self-esteem skills as well as independence when doing tasks on their own. For example, they should be allowed to scatter and play with their toys but should know that the toys need to go back in the toy box after they are done playing. 
  5. Make them sit with you and together come up with the most suitable proforma or timetable for them. Identify with them what tasks they are old enough for or want to do. Doing this will make them realize the importance of being organized and that every day counts when you have some things on your list which have to be done on a daily basis. 
  6. Actively involve children in the process of being organized by asking for their input and feedback on which items need to be put away, how high up things should go etc. The kids will feel more involved if they have a say in things that go around the house. 
  7. Introducing checklists. This way they will have all their to-dos in an organized fashion. At a glance, they will know what has been done and what still needs to be addressed and completed. An additional advantage of having a checklist is that it can also be set in a priority-based manner. 
  8. A weekly report to the parents. This is a great way to make the parents aware of how their children are doing with being organized. It will help them understand what needs improvement and it can also be used as an objective measure for your child’s progress in terms of being organized youngsters.
  9. Set up rewards for when goals are achieved or milestones met – this is a very important step that should not be overlooked. Children will need some form of encouragement or motivation to keep going and in the process, they’ll learn that hard work pays off. 
  10. One of the most important ways is, helping them prepare for the next day in advance. It is best that they get everything ready for the next day before going to bed. This will help them avoid forgetting their belongings at home, or worse… having to rush in the morning which can result in mistakes and being late. If this is successfully inculcated in them, it will help them stay organized for the rest of their lives. 

Other Important Benefits of Being Organized

  • Having a great start in the morning. 
  • Getting everything done on time or early. 
  • Preventing mistakes that can lead to sleepless nights, stress and frustration. This will also help with their health since they’ll get enough sleep at night! 
  • If something is forgotten, they can easily go back and get it in no time, as they will know where exactly they have put their things. 
  • Getting organized can be a fun process since it will make their life easier and less stressful.
  • Organisation is about living with what you have.” – Derek Sivers. That means that they won’t need to spend money on trying to organise themselves, which will save them both time and money in the long term! 
  • It will give them a sense of pride. That feeling that anything is possible! The person who has their life together, gets stuff done and doesn’t have any regrets about what they’ve achieved in the process. 


Children are not born with the ability to be organized. It is something they need to learn and develop as a skill. Organized children are smarter, more confident and happier. They have less stress and anxiety than their peers who struggle with managing time or keeping track of belongings. The benefits of being organized for your child’s mental health is self-evident, but there are other significant advantages as well. 

With a little patience and creativity, you can help your son or daughter get on the path to success by teaching them how to be organized from an early age. They will find out that being organized helps them get more done, have less stress, and feel better about themselves in the long run. Give your child a head start by teaching them the importance of being organized from an early age. Start small – achieve big!

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