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9 Ways To Teach Your Child About Responsibility

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2024-08-09 |

null mins read

responsibility in child =

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“It’s about time!” You may be sick and tired of hearing those words. But teach your child responsibility, and it may help her avoid the temptation to steal…

Combine this with a bit of self-esteem building, and you’ve got to teach responsible children! Here are 09 ways to teach your child about responsibility:

9 tips on raising a responsible child 

1. Make them pay rent

Kids love money! And they’ll do anything for it – including chores. Therefore, teach your kids that there is no free ride: They need to contribute their fair share if they want to live in your house and eat your food – and keep their allowance. No free lunch! Teach them how paying rent works by assisting them every week/month/year (however often you’d like), but make sure that there is a catch: Whatever allowance they receive, they need to return from the amount of money given.

2. Make them pay for their own mistakes

Kids love attention and do anything for it, including lying and stealing. But teach your kids how to be responsible by making them face the consequences of their actions: If they break something, misbehave or lie – make them fix it or buy it themselves. This way, you teach responsibility to your child without giving everything away for free.

3. Give choices, not orders

Giving orders creates rebellion in children. Instead, teach your kid about responsibility by showing him different options and letting him choose what he prefers: Which clothes should we wear? What shall we have for dinner? Which movie shall we watch tonight? This will help your child in becoming more responsible. It is also one of the effective ways to teach responsibility to your kids.

4. Give them responsibility from a young age

Kids need to learn how to be responsible as early as possible. From infancy, teach your little one how to put their toys away and what you expect from them: Make it fun by involving songs or rhymes. And teach him that the earlier he learns, the easier things will go for him in life. Once they can talk, you can teach them which tasks need to be done first and introduce chores into their daily routine. All of this isn’t just a teachable moment but also a bonding experience. This is a great way to teach responsibility to your kids from an early age.

5. Tell your kids what is expected of them

In addition to teaching your kids about responsibility, there are specific rules they must obey. When you teach them these rules, be sure to follow them with an excellent and logical explanation of why they are essential. Kids are smart enough to know that what you expect of them is more critical than the chore itself. If your kids know that they have some expectations to fulfil, it will benefit them. This is a great way to teach responsibility to your child.

6. Help your kids

When you teach your kids about responsibility, show them how to do certain tasks by helping them along the way or doing some of it on your own if necessary, such as making beds, folding laundry, etc. This will teach them through words and action, thus making it easier for him in future tasks. By helping them you’ll prepare them and teach responsibility to kids.

7. Praise good behaviour

Let’s face it; kids sometimes tend to get carried away and focus too much on what went wrong instead of praising what they did right. Therefore, you must teach your kids how to maximise good behaviours and get rid of the bad ones. If your child knows that their effort is appreciated, it will motivate them to become responsible.

8. Make expectations clear

To teach responsibility to kids, it is also essential that you make your expectations clear to them. Make sure that your kids understand what they are expected to do when you ask them to do something by showing examples or giving instructions in case he doesn’t understand. You can also use visuals like picture graphs and colour codes to teach him about responsibility effectively.

9. Don’t expect too much from your child when he is young

To teach responsibility to kids, it is also vital to make your expectations clear to them. You should not expect too much from your child when he is about five years old, so don’t push him to follow rules which are very difficult for him to comprehend at this age, such as picking up toys, etc. If you teach your child about responsibility early, he will learn it fast and teach him effectively by showing examples or giving instructions in case he doesn’t understand. You can also use visuals like picture graphs and colour codes to teach him about responsibility effectively.


It is essential to teach your children about responsibility and teach them effectively by showing examples or giving instructions if they don’t understand. You can also use visuals like picture graphs colour codes to teach responsibility. To teach responsibility to kids it is also vital that you make your expectations clear to them.



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