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7 Tips for Raising a Smart, Independent, and Creative Child

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2024-08-09 |

null mins read


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Raising a child can be challenging. Sometimes, it seems like no matter what we do, our kids are never happy or satisfied. What’s the secret to raising an independent and creative child? It’s simple. Please don’t force it. Children should have the freedom to explore and discover at their own pace and level of comfort without the pressure of parenting or peer pressure. As a parent, you can do a million things to help your child be successful in life; however, parenting is indeed an ongoing journey and requires a lot of patience. Here is the perfect parenting guide with seven tips to help you raise an innovative, independent, and creative child!



7 Parenting Guides to Make Your Child Intelligent, Creative, and Independent!


1. Allow Your Child to Have a Say

As parents, we sometimes run by our parenting styles and ideas. When parenting with high expectations, it’s essential to allow the child to have the freedom to voice their opinion without pressure from parents or peer influence. Give the child the time and support they need to feel confident in expressing their views.


2. Focus on Their Strengths

Whenever we are given a task to accomplish, it is natural for us to focus on improvement and weaknesses instead. Focusing more on improving is the key to a perfect parenting guide! While identifying flaws in our child’s performance is a critical parenting skill, we need to acknowledge their achievements and teach them ways to overcome or compensate for the weaker skills.


3. Acknowledge and Appreciate Creativity

Creativity is an important life skill that goes hand-in-hand with independent thinking. It helps a child make sense of the world around them, develop their personality, and mould their self-identity. Open up your mind when it comes to what you consider creative activities! Playing a musical instrument, painting, or doing a little craft project is not exclusive to building with blocks or creating a car out of Legos!


4. Encourage Independence

Encouraging our children to be independent allows them the freedom to develop self-confidence, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Asking for help should be an option when needed rather than a requirement every step of the way. This is the nub of a perfect parenting guide!


5. Foster Risk-Taking

Risk-taking allows children to develop problem-solving skills and learn how to overcome and move past failure. As your child faces fears or experiences new challenges, remember to focus on the process rather than the product.


6. Create a Safe Environment for Creativity

Fostering creativity in children allows them to develop self-confidence and problem-solving skills while establishing their sense of self. Let your child explore new ideas without fear of being judged enthusiastically, but also set boundaries where needed.


7. Inspire Imagination

Imagining is the process of forming new concepts or images. As parents, we can foster imagination by sharing stories with our children, encouraging them to draw their pictures and play-act in imaginary worlds they create.


Why Are Creative and Independent Kids Better?


1. Creative Children Are More Likely to Develop Better Social Skills

Children who are creative and express themselves independently learn to express their feelings and opinions in a controlled way. This enables them to be better listeners and better speakers when they are dealing with other people.


2. Creative Children Understand How to Solve Problems

They are more likely to approach problems from different angles because creative children know that there is no one right answer but many answers to a given question.


3. Independent, Imaginative Children Tend to Have Self-Confidence and a Sense of Self-Worth

A parenting guide would always tell you to let children explore and play by themselves. They also tend to view problems as fun challenges they can solve on their own, which improves self-confidence and a sense of personal value.


4. Creative Children Know How to Entertain Themselves

Creative children are not easily bored and aren’t dependent on being entertained with toys, video games, or other gadgets. They will find something interesting to do in almost every situation.


5. Self-Motivation Is a Cornerstone Skill for Creative Children

What’s so special about this? Creative children are motivated to learn about things that interest them. This is both an outcome of their curiosity and a precursor to it.


6. Creative and Independent Children Are Not Easily Discouraged

When they face problems, creative children learn from mistakes. They don’t give up too quickly or allow themselves to become fixated on negative thoughts. They know they can overcome any problem with persistence and practice.

7. Creative Children Are More Likely to Develop Better Critical Thinking Skills

Because creative kids can think outside of the box and express themselves independently, they become capable of finding different solutions to problems that other people might not even recognise as problems because they follow the accepted way of doing things.


8. Creative Kids Get Along Well in Diverse Groups and Are Comfortable with Change

As a result of their imaginations, creative and independent children can find friends in a wide variety of environments and situations. They are often more open to new people, places, and things than other kids. This makes them calmer when it comes time for transitions or moving from place to place.



Raising a child is not an easy task. There are so many decisions to be made, and it can be challenging to know where you should focus your efforts. We’ve provided some of our favourite parenting tips that we hope will help guide you in the right direction with raising your kids, whether they’re minor or grown-up! What did these seven parenting tips teach us? How would adopting them affect my life? We hope this parenting guide was some help, at least! Let us know! We would love to come up with an article that can be of your use. 

Happy parenting, you all!

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