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How To Raise Socially Responsible Child

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

social responsible kid

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Do you want your child to be kind, caring, and generous? Do you wish that they may grow up to become humanitarian with the ability to make positive changes in their communities? If this sounds like something you desire for your children, then Socially Responsible parenting is the right choice for you.

Socially Responsible parents attempt to raise kids who are concerned about other people’s needs and their own. They also try to equip them with life skills to make it easier for them to impact society later on in life positively. Social conscience parenting does not stop at simply teaching your child how to share or say sorry when they hurt someone. It is an ongoing process that involves introducing and engaging your child in humanitarian activities. Social conscience parenting is not just about teaching kids how to be compassionate; it also aims at making them more empathetic by encouraging them to think beyond their own family and friends.

Ways to raise socially responsible kids

1) Encourage kids to volunteer

Socially responsible parents teach their children that helping others makes a difference in the world and our society at large. You can encourage your children to think about others by getting them involved in volunteering. You can take them along on a visit for an elderly person or animal shelter or let them help out in your community garden. The point is that when they give their time and energy to something beyond themselves, it makes them value the people around them more. Social conscience parents teach their children that helping others makes a difference in the world and our society at large.

2) Get kids involved in activism

Even if you don’t have money to donate, you can still help create change. Social conscience parenting involves teaching your child how they can affect social change even without financial resources. Even if you don’t have money to donate, you can still help create change. It’s easy enough to get a group of kids to collect aluminium cans to raise money for a charity, but even if they’re doing it because their parents told them to, they are still learning how easy it is to make the world a better place.

3) Teach your children about giving back

When you make donations instead of buying things for yourself, you are teaching your child to give back. Socially responsible parenting means helping your child realize that not all people have access to necessities like food and shelter. You can do this through volunteering or taking part in fundraising campaigns with them. Social conscience parenting teaches children that everyone has worth and value, no matter what their circumstances are.

4) Focus on educating rather than punishing

Socially responsible parenting involves setting boundaries for your child, but it also means letting them know that they are loved and cared for. Instead of punishing bad behaviour, social conscience parenting teaches children to take responsibility for their actions and to do things that make the world a better place. Social conscience parenting is about recognizing that you need to set boundaries and guidelines and still be there for support when your child makes mistakes.

5) Socially responsible parenting means allowing kids to see the world

It’s important as a Socially responsible parent not to shelter your children from everything in the world because you want them to be happy. If you don’t allow them opportunities or experiences out of fear, they won’t grow beyond what you expect of them; instead, Socially responsible parenting involves teaching your children about things, even if it makes them sad or uncomfortable.

6) Socially responsible parenting means being a positive role model

While you should never have to embellish the truth to be a good parent, being a Socially responsible parent doesn’t mean that your children will never see you fail. Instead, Socially responsible parenting means you should be a positive role model for how someone deals with mistakes and misjudgments.

7) Socially responsible parenting requires discipline

Discipline is always an important part of being a parent so that social conscience parents aren’t “permissive” because social conscience parents understand the boundaries between support and over-protection. Socially Responsible parents know when to let their kids suffer the consequences of their actions, Socially Responsible parents won’t rescue their children from the natural consequences. Socially Responsible parents teach a child to internalize a sense of responsibility for his or her choices and actions so that social conscience parenting will help your child learn to be more self-reliant.

8) Socially responsible parenting means being an active parent

Socially responsible parenting means that you as a parent have to be willing to put in the time necessary from being an active member of your child’s life. Parents recognize that it takes effort on their part to nurture and communicate with their kids, even when they are grown up. Socially sensitive parents know that communication is important, whether it’s talking face-to-face, on the phone, through emails and texting, or any other way you can think of. Social conscience parents enjoy spending time with their children and they make sure that kids know it.


Raising a socially responsible child is a parent’s job and it takes a lot of work. Socially sensitive parents who want to raise social conscience kids don’t stop communicating with them when they get older; whatever your child is into, you should be too.

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