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How to teach your child the value of money

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2024-08-09 |

null mins read

value of money

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Teaching your child the value of money from an early age is very important as it helps them in their future life. After all, the value of money is the value of everything when we talk about the value of life when you are earning for your family and spending it on little necessities.



It also teaches them the value of saving and how they can spend reasonably in their lives which will help them be independent in their future living. If parents teach young children the value of money, they won’t waste it as they grow up because if we know the importance of anything, we usually don’t waste or misuse it.

Tips to teach your child money management and its value 

So let’s see how we can teach our children the value of money from a very early age to learn it the quick and easy way. You can teach them this value by following these simple tips!

1. Make a piggy bank

Teach our children the value of money, managing and using it responsibly. Make different-sized piggy banks for your children to set goals. Once they reach their goal, they will save money to buy things of their interest. This is one step in teaching the value of money to your child.

2. Use charts

You may also make some charts for your kids with various ways of saving up their allowance like using it for charity, giving it back to their parents, buying toys at the store, etc. This act will encourage empathy towards other people who are far less fortunate than themselves or who are far more advantageous.

3. Have a cash/coin jar

Since it is illegal to pay your children for household chores, make a cash or coin jar for them, and they can put their money there instead of asking you for it all the time. They will value the importance of saving up with this method as well.

4. Allowance!

You can also give your child an allowance each week that they may spend on whatever they want, but they must understand what value money has and how important it is to save up! Then, when they have reached a particular goal – whether it is buying something big like a new bike or even having enough coins at home to buy themselves some candy- they will feel the value of their hard-earned money.

5. Set an example for them

You should also be an example to your child and teach them the value of money! If they see you spending frivolously on treats or junk food, they might think it is okay for them to do the same. This will make it harder for you as a parent and harder for your children, who might face serious consequences later in life if they cannot value money wisely. Make sure that you show them how important it is and that their education starts from within – with you as the role model!

6. Teach them the importance of money

Teaching them how to value money does not mean you have to go on a long lecture about it. Instead, simply show them the value of money. When they see how important money is, they will value it more and make better decisions with their spending habits. For example, when your child asks for an ice cream treat after school, explain to him that if he can finish his dinner without complaining, he can get an ice cream treat afterward. This way, he gets what he wants while also learning the excellent eating habits necessary to maintain a healthy weight which will be beneficial in the long run.

7. Allow your child to make mistakes

There are many ways to teach your child about the value of money, but part of this process is allowing him to make his own mistakes, so he learns from them instead of you making decisions for him. If you let your child make a mistake, it will help them to learn from it. This is also an excellent way to teach your child the value of money.

8. Gifts should be educational or entertaining

Another way to teach your child about the value of money is by buying educational or entertaining gifts instead of just something cheap. This way, if he wants another advantage, he’ll have to save up his own money, so he learns what good value for money is.

9. Don’t give pocket money if chores aren’t completed

This concept isn’t just for your children, but it can also work with adults. One way to teach about the value of money is only to pay someone who completes their job and doesn’t expect a bonus or raise until the job is complete. Another key factor is not giving pocket money or extra funds unless all daily chores are also completed. This will help him learn the value of a dollar later in life when he has to take care of himself instead of always depending on someone else. Make sure you let your child use his own money wisely, so you don’t have to find yourself fixing his bad decisions down the road.


By teaching your child about the value of money early on, they will understand the value of money at a young age. They may have trouble when payday comes around in school or when their allowance isn’t quite enough for something they want, but the value of hard work and frugal living will help them when they are older. By teaching them these life tips, you show them good habits instead of bad ones, so they know how to pay their bills in certain situations, depending on whether they plan to move out.

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