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Too Busy to Be Happy? Ways to Find Happiness Despite Being Busy

Neha Mahesh |

Parents Corner |

2024-08-09 |

null mins read


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How to be happy, is funnily one of the most commonly googled questions that everyone asks at least once in their life during a turbulent time in their life or during a stressful job. In the midst of the frantic search for ways to find happiness, there exists a hustle culture that takes away many hobbies and time to recharge.

There lies the pressure to be better in your workplace and to climb the ladder of success. But little does one understand that in this run, one loses the ultimate treasure in life, which is-happiness. What one doesn’t grasp is that there are easy ways to be happy even if you are busy all day with your work. And the reasons are actually way simpler than what you may think. Let’s take a look at various ways to find happiness.



The Secret to Happiness

Saying “No”

As humans, it is our innate need for acceptance and to feel appreciated and liked. It’s as simple as, do not take up more than what your plate can hold. Doing so will just make you too busy to enjoy life, and it’s always the things that you feel are the little things that you miss the most when you get too caught up with your schedule.

Like, walking your dog or playing a game of your choice with your family, or even something as simple as just sitting on your balcony with a cup of hot chai or a beverage of your choice! One of the easiest ways to find happiness is to remember that happiness isn’t a constant state rather small bursts that make life worth living. 

The 30 Second Hack

According to Psychology Today, in a nutshell, it explains the easiest way to add a sprinkle of happiness to your day by doing the simplest thing—being grateful. Gratitude for the roof over your head, the food on your plate, the 9–6 job that helps bring that food to the table, and the family and friends who wake up for another day.

Be it through digital means or in real life, having them for another day by your side is a blessing. There is also significant research found about how your posture can have an effect on your level of happiness. Another one of the ways to find happiness  is as easy as by taking the time in naming the things that make you like you the most, you are the ultimate way to be happy.


Align your Priorities

Having the privilege to say no to that job that is mentally taxing but pays well is not in the hands of everyone. But sometimes aligning your priorities not only helps you align it well so you know what deserves the most attention at this point in your life, but it also helps you connect with what matters in life right now.

Making sure that your goals align with your core values not only helps you sail smoothly through with less friction, but it will also help you find happiness! If you don’t see yourself in the career line you currently are in and it still occupies a large chunk of your time, get out of that rut!



Connect with people within your safety zone, with people who aren’t emotionally or mentally taxing. Disconnect from your phone and put it down. One needs to understand that checking your emails all the time isn’t going to be healthy for you, nor does it allow you to keep up your boundaries, and keeping your boundaries strict is a very important way to establish oneself. Take time off. Put all your gadgets away. In a time when the coronavirus has brought everything to your fingertips, from classrooms to workplaces to communication with people, it is easy to get carried away and find oneself in that endless scrolling session that ultimately leads to further exhaustion.


Parents with Children Playing Game at Home


Work, but with Purpose

Sure, they say that following your dreams makes work easy, but in reality, it really doesn’t. Working for your dream makes you work harder to achieve it and it can sometimes become toxic. Keeping yourself grounded by reminding yourself that your ultimate goal cannot be achieved until you take care of yourself should be your mantra. Changing your wallpaper at work to something or someone you love can help remind you that you need to take care of yourself for them at least. 


Why is It Important to Be Happy and Knowing How to Be Happy?

As a human being, everyone wants to be happy, and no one likes to be sad. There are a plethora of reasons that lead to happiness and sadness in life. We all have our share of problems, but it is how we look at these problems that determines whether we are going to see the glass as half-empty or as half-full.


It is important to know why to be happy:

1. Happy people live longer.

2. Being happy makes you look good to other people.

3. Being happy increases your chances of success.

4. It will make every moment in life more enjoyable and less painful to bear.

5. Being happy has a positive effect on other people around us too.

6. Being happy helps you think more clearly.

7. Happy people are healthier and get sick less often.

8. If you want to make someone else happy, be happy yourself first!




So if you want to live longer, look good, be successful, healthy, don’t get sick often, and if you want to be able to help others – be happy yourself and pass on the feeling of happiness by teaching people how to be happy.



Mental health is something most people end up ignoring in their race to become successful and stand out from the rest. Taking time out of your day to unwind and unplug is absolutely essential. Some people find comfort in a busy life, and that’s okay as long as they’re emotionally healthy, but when it becomes an act to help one not deal with the noise in the background, it becomes toxic. The quest for ways to find happiness and how to be happy is nothing but learning how to tango in the rain with a sprinkle of self-awareness on where to draw boundaries and say NO!!


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