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How to Build Personality Development in Kids

Indrani Raha |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

How to Build Personality Development in Kids

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Want to know about how to develop a child personality? You are at the right place!

Well, personality development in kids stays the same as well as changes from time to time. I believe the roots of a person’s personality are present from the moment they are born. You must notice your preschooler’s unique personality peeking out those first few months of life -pushing away a teddy bear. But between the ages of 2 and 4, your child’s personality is really going to emerge—their temperament blossoms into an adult personality. As I watch my daughter playing, I wonder how I can support her budding personality? So, dear parents, what can you do to help your children build their personality development?

6 Tips on Personality Development for Kids

Things you should do in order to enhance your child’s personality

To most parents scolding their children about the dos-and-don’ts is the best way to influence their personality. But that’s so wrong. Children usually do not pick up values from endless lectures but from mirroring your behavior. Therefore, the best way to give them a confident upbringing is to subtly push the agenda of positive personality traits in day-to-day actions. And to help you in finding out your “how,” here are some ways we have found out for you. 

1. Be a mirror

Children’s perception of themselves does not depend on the way they perceive themselves but on the way others perceive them. It is always better to be the true mirror to them rather than acting as a positive mirror. By this, I mean you can praise your child if he is good in studies or in any extra-curricular activities, but you need not hide in case he is frightened to speak publicly. So, the thumb rule is to help them to learn the truth if you want to build their personality development. It is absolutely not good to ignore the weaknesses of your child.

2. Avoid Labeling your Child

Dear parents, it’s time to make sure not to label the behavior of your toddler. This is so common, you know, especially when there are siblings in the house. This can hamper the personality development of your child. Maybe you are partially correct in labeling him but remember that the more you call him by a hateful name, the higher the chances of his believing it to be true. 

3. Be your child’s role model.

Children are like sponges. Perhaps we don’t realize that always but they tend to catch each and everything that the parents say or do. If you have been around kids and have often got embarrassed by them anytime, you are well aware of their being born impersonators. Make sure you are kind enough to others and maintain a positive outlook towards life to help your child build personality development in them that can keep them ahead of others. Yes, I know you can’t always smile, and it is alright to let your little one know that you often suffer setbacks. This will actually help you to set the stage for success.

4. Accept the Shortcomings of your little one.

Just like us, your kid may have a few shortcomings. This is absolutely normal. Accepting this will help your toddler improve on their personality development through a positive self-image. Make sure you are not forcing them to fulfill your wishes. It’s better to keep realistic expectations and encourage him to excel at the best things. You can do this by fueling passion and avoiding dampening his spirit. However, make sure to help them understand that they may not excel in the field their best friend is excellent at. You can probably set an example and tell your story. 

“All my friends were great at music and performed regularly. Seeing them, I also developed an interest in singing, but the problem lies in the fact that though I loved singing, I was not good at it. My parents explained to me that I may not be good at each and everything my friends excel at. “

Sharing what you have learned and preaching to them will help them understand that it is not always possible to excel in everything their friends are good at. 

5. Give them responsibilities

In some families where the members divide their responsibilities among each other, the children tend to develop into independent beings. Result? Everyone is happy. So, make sure you give them some responsibilities. Being needed as well as useful helps children feel important, thereby boosting confidence level.

Most children lack interest in such chores. So in order to get the child interested, you can give them tasks they have already shown interest in. Giving kids responsibilities makes them disciplined, stay dedicated. In case the tasks are not done, there should be consequences. No, I am not in favor of “physical punishment.” You need not be too hard, but you can take away the responsibility and tell them that they can gain it back if they act right. This is another way you can help them build personality development.

6. Let him be himself

You can certainly punish your toddler for the misdeeds. But allow him/her to be a true self. You can be outgoing and an extrovert at the same time while your toddler is shy and introverted. You can allow him to be the way he wants to. Make sure not to force him to assume certain traits or features, or else this will facilitate your child’s personal development.


If you think parenting is all about utilizing the bookish ideas and helping them pass exams, you are definitely going wrong. Parenting is not at all a cakewalk. It is a lifetime and crucial role you play as soon as a baby is born to you. Remember, every single child is different, and you need to understand what approach works best in handling them. You need to understand and deal with so many things on a daily basis, which you have never experienced before. And all this requires an extreme amount of love, patience, and calmness. Not just that, in this fast-moving life, parenting calls for a lot more, and that too at a different degree altogether. We hope this list of personality development tips for children helps you build a great relationship with your child and mold their personality into the best. 

Happy Parenting!

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