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How to promote physical fitness in child

Mautushi Paul |

Sports |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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If you are the parent of a school-aged child, physical fitness is probably one of your main concerns for their physical development. Children today are surrounded by technology and spend more time sitting in front of computers or TV screens than they do playing outside. This lack of physical activity can lead to physical problems in your child’s later life, such as obesity and heart disease.


Fortunately, physical fitness for children is entirely possible with the right approach. If you are willing to teach your child physical fitness at home, they will reap the benefits of an active lifestyle more than ever before.

16 Tips to Promote Physical Fitness in Child 

Here are 16 Ways to Promote Physical Fitness in Child

1. Take Them Outside 

Getting kids active is easier said than done, however making physical activities fun will make it much easier for your children to get involved. Taking them out to play helps ensure that they grow up healthy and fit while also teaching them about physical activity as part of everyday life. Outdoor physical activities like walking, running, biking, hiking, or sports can all be made into great family events. This physical activity can take place at any time of the year and is usually much easier for kids to take part in than structured physical activities like organized team sports.

2. Encourage Physical Activity 

You should also consider encouraging physical activity as part of your child’s daily routine. For instance, asking them to do chores around the house or yard can help increase physical fitness while teaching them responsibility and helping out with things that need to be done.

3. Strength Training Exercise 

Strength training exercise for children is not only important but will give them a physical advantage later on in life too. It allows their muscles to develop which helps them become stronger adults who are less likely to suffer muscle injuries when they play sports or engage in physical activities regularly.

4. Improving physical fitness in children

It is not difficult and while it isn’t always easy, it can be fun too. The key to making physical activity a part of their routine is finding activities that everyone enjoys doing together such as bike riding, swimming, or dancing which gives them physical activity and together time with parents.

5. Make physical fitness a habit 

By putting physical fitness into your child’s life regularly you will benefit both physically and emotionally by building up their physical endurance and strength and their mental health too. Putting physical fitness into daily activities helps establish the idea at an early age so they learn good habits for physical exercise when they get older.

6. Participate together 

With physical activity parents will be able to spend quality time with their child and by doing something physical they can bond. You don’t have to do the same physical activity either, try different sports or activities so you’ll both enjoy what you are doing.

7. Let them choose physical activities they like 

By letting your child choose which physical activities they would like to be part of gives them a sense of independence in choosing something that brings them joy. They might have an active interest in a certain sport or physical activity so let them discover it on their own and help facilitate in getting involved if possible.

8. Encourage physical activities in the child’s school 

Not only do physical activities promote physical fitness but they also can aid cognitive development and test scores. Teachers should encourage physical activity in the classroom setting to further aid student learning throughout the day.

9. Limiting screen-time is essential 

Limiting screen-time for kids is not only good for physical health but mental health as well. Screen time keeps children from being active so limiting their time on screens will help develop physical fitness throughout their childhood years.

10. Let them have a creative play 

Creative play doesn’t have to involve physical movement, but it does promote creativity while working out their imagination at the same time which helps build problem-solving skills too.

11. Avoid physical punishment 

Physical punishment not only limits physical health for your child but their emotional health too which is important throughout physical fitness development in childhood.

12. Scheduling physical activity into the day 

Children must get up and move around every hour, if possible, to help increase physical activity guidelines.

13. Provide healthy snacks 

Having healthy snacks readily available will encourage your child to be physically active during the day to burn off those extra calories they are taking in.

14. Let them explore!

Encourage outdoor play as often as you can by providing allowances for this kind of physical activity by letting them ride bikes or play sports outside with friends to promote physical fitness education within their childhood years!

15. Fitness activities at home 

At the end of each day, make physical fitness fun by doing any physical activities with your child like jumping on a trampoline, playing tag, or even engaging in an obstacle course.

16. Create physical activity opportunities 

Children will be more willing to extend their physical activity if they are given opportunities to play sports or engage in physical education programs during school hours.


It is important to incorporate physical fitness activities in children’s lives so they will not experience physical challenges as adults because of their lack of physical activity. The earlier physical fitness is introduced to children, the better off they will be. Therefore it should be mandated by law that physical education should be included in school curriculums beginning at an early age to promote physical fitness education for all children around the world!


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