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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 20 Story - Who Will be Ningthou

The story is about a king and queen or, as people in Manipur long ago would call them, Ningthou and Leima. The king and queen decided to choose the next ruler, so they asked their sons to participate in a contest where the fastest rider would take the throne as the prize for winning. All three sons finished the race together. Now, the king asked his sons to show them something exceptional so they could decide. Each son showcased their skills by piercing or jumping through a tree. These acts uprooted the tree leaving the birds worried for their home. Sanatombi, the youngest daughter of the Ningthou and Leima, empathised with the dead tree and fed the scared birds. This act of kindness from the young girl convinced the Ningthou and Neima that the next ruler should be their daughter as a ruler never hurts anyone in the kingdom and cares for everyone's wellbeing. The NCERT solutions for this story help the child to: philosophyMake predictions based on the text philosophyUse verbs in the correct tense The NCERT textbook Marigold questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 20-Who will be Ningthou? in the PDF format for free.

NCERT Solutions for English Who Will be Ningthou?

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Reading is fun

Question 1 :

How did the king want to select their future king?

Answer :

The king wanted to select their future king by conducting a horse-riding competition amongst his three sons.

Question 2 :

What kind of child was Sanatombi?

Answer :

Sanatombi was a lovely child of Ningthou and Leima. She was soft and beautiful inside.

Question 3 :

Name the place in Manipur where the Ningthou and Leima ruled.

Answer :

Ningthou and Leima ruled in the land of Kangleipak in Manipur.

Question 4 :

Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen?

Answer :

The people of Kangleipak loved their king and queen because they loved both the people as well as the birds and animals.

Question 5 :

Why did the Ningthou want to choose a future king?

Answer :

Ningthou wanted to choose a future king because his children had grown up and were ready to take responsibility.

Question 6 :

Have you ever seen an animal or a bird in pain? What did you do?

Answer :

Yes, once returning from school, I saw a pigeon lying in the bushes hurt by some predator bird. It was unable to fly and was sitting quietly. In fact, it became frightened when I approached to check the wound. Very carefully, I lifted her and brought her back home. I applied medicine over her wounds. I fed her food and took good care of her for almost two weeks. She became comfortable like a part of my family. But I understood she needed to return to nature as she felt lonely, so one day, I took her to the large meadow, lifted her and threw her into the air, and it was wonderful to watch her fly away gradually.

Let’s Listen and Talk

Question 1 :

Where is Manipur on the map of India?

Answer :

Manipur is located in the northeast of India.

Question 2 :

What language do the people of Manipur speak? (i) Assamese (ii) Maithailon (iii) Mizo.

Answer :

(ii) Maithailon

Question 3 :

Who do you think should have been made the future king?
• Sanajaoba, the one who jumped through the tree.
• Sanayaima, the one who jumped over the tree.
• Sanatomba, the one who uprooted the tree.
Why do you think so?
Who was made the future queen and why?

Answer :

I do not think any of them were ready to take the responsibility of a king. They should have been tested in multiple ways since one such test is not enough to determine the qualities and worthiness with required to be a king. Sanatombi was chosen to descend the throne as she felt the pain of the birds and tree since a Leima doesn’t hurt anyone.

Word Building

Question 1 :

Say aloud the following names in your mother tongue.
In Manipuri

Answer :

(Note: Students should attempt the above the activity on their own.)

Question 2 :

Write the meanings of the following in English.
Tunggi Ningthou — ________
Thouro ! Thouro ! — ________
Phajei ! Phajei ! — _________
Shagol thauba nupa! — _________

Answer :

Tunggi Ningthou — The future king
Thouro ! Thouro ! — Bravo! Bravo!
Phajei ! Phajei ! — Wonderful! Wonderful!
Shagol thauba nupa! — Such fine horsemen!

Fun with Sound Words

Question 1 :

Some interesting words sound like the noises for which they stand. You use a different tone of voice when you say these words. The voice becomes louder and more forceful.
For example,
Zoom! went the car.
Bang! went the door.
Pip! pop! flippety flop!
Say the following and write what would make these sounds or actions.
Click! ________
Chirp! ________
Whisper! __________
Bravo! _______
Oh! ____
Ah! ______
Hurrah! _____
Alas! ______
Hi! ________
Ho! ________
Hop away! ______

Answer :

Click! went the camera.
Chirp! went the birds.
Whisper! went the mosquito
Bravo! went the boy.
Oh! went the mother.
Ah! went the son.
Hurrah! went the team.
Alas! went the doctor.
Wonderful! went the girl.
Hi! went the teacher.
Ho! went the monster.
Hop away! went the frog.

Language Use

Question 1 :

Fill in the correct word in the blanks and complete the story. In a forest, there _________ (live/lives/lived) a goblin named Cruel. One day, he __________ (meet/met/meets) an old man wandering in the forest. Immediately, Cruel _____________ (leap/ leaps/leapt) on to the old man’s shoulders and _____________ (order/orders/ ordered) him, “Let’s go. Move fast.” The frightened old man _________ (obey/obeys/obeyed) the nasty goblin and _______ (walk/walks/walked) on. As they ___________on, (move/moves/moved) he _________ (notice/notices/ noticed) that the goblin’s feet were very tender. The old man ____________ (ask/asks/ asked) Cruel, “ Sir, how are your feet so soft and tender?” Cruel __________, (reply/ replies/replied) “I have taken a vow that I will not touch the ground with my feet, till I wash them.” They soon ____________ (come/comes/ came) to a pool. The goblin ________ (instruct/ instructs/ instructed) the old man to wait for him while he ___________ (enter/enters/entered) the pool. The old man ___________ (think/ thinks/ thought) to himself, “Now that the goblin has wet his feet, he does not need me. Let me run for my life or he will surely eat me up.” So he ___________ (run/runs/ran) off.

Answer :

In a forest, there lived (live/lives/lived) a goblin named Cruel. One day, he met (meet/met/meets) an old man wandering in the forest. Immediately, Cruel leapt (leap/ leaps/leapt) on to the old man’s shoulders and ordered (order/orders/ ordered) him, “Let’s go. Move fast.” The frightened old man obeyed (obey/obeys /obeyed) the nasty goblin and walked (walk/walks/walked) on. As they moved on, (move/moves/moved) he noticed (notice/notices/ noticed) that the goblin’s feet were very tender. The old man asked (ask/asks/ asked) Cruel, “ Sir, how are your feet so soft and tender?” Cruel replied, (reply/ replies/replied) “I have taken a vow that I will not touch the ground with my feet, till I wash them.” They soon came (come/comes/ came) to a pool. The goblin instructed (instruct/ instructs/ instructed) the old man to wait for him while he entered (enter/enters/entered) the pool. The old man thought (think/ thinks/ thought) to himself, “Now that the goblin has wet his feet, he does not need me. Let me run for my life or he will surely eat me up.” So he ran (run/runs/ran) off.

Question 2 :

Sit in groups of five. Now, each student will tell a story. Decide which story was the best and declare a Ningthou or Leima of the group.

Answer :

(Note: Students should attempt this activity on their own.)

Question 3 :

Find out stories about other great people’s lives and their childhood and write these in your notebook. Collect at least two such stories and share them with your friends. You could think of famous
• scientists
• religious people
• freedom fighters
• brave children
• astronauts
• artists

Answer :

Khudiram Bose, the Young Freedom Fighter

Khudiram Bose was a great freedom fighter. He was born in Keshpur, Midnapur in Bengal on the 3rd of December, 1889. He lost his parents early in his life and completed his schooling at the Hamilton school. He was deeply influenced by Aurobindo Ghosh and became a revolutionary at the age of 15. His bravery and contribution will be remembered eternally in the history of India’s freedom struggle.

Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian on space

Rakesh Sharma was born in Patiala on the 13th of January, 1949. He studied at St. George’s grammar school and graduated from Nizam college, Hyderabad. He joined Indian Air Force in 1970 and became a Squadron Leader in 1984. He was the first Indian citizen to travel to space in the year 1984 aboard the Soyuz T-11. He stayed in space for seven days, 21 hours and 40 minutes. He retired as a wing commander and got the Ashok Chakra alongside the honour of the hero of the Soviet Union.

Question 4 :

Read the lesson carefully and put a circle around all the action words with -ed at the end. Then write them in one column and their present form in another. One is done for you.

   Action words with  -ed at the end    Action words in present form
     admitted    admit
Answer :

   Action words with -ed at the end    Action words in present form
   admitted    admit
   lived    live
   pierced    pierce
   flapped    flap
   looked    look
   walked    walk
   finished    finish
   breathed    breathe
   loved    love
   jumped    jump
   remained    remain
   proved    prove
   reached    reach
   stopped    stop
   urged    urge
   watched    watch
   uprooted    uproot
   filled    fill
   flapped    flap
   shouted    shout
   craned    crane
   carried    carry
   turned    turn
   shocked    shock
   replied    reply

Question 5 :

Make a list of the action words from this story.

  -ed action words     irregular action words
 live lived meet met
 ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____
Answer :

   -ed action words    irregular action words
   live lived    meet met
   love loved    grow grew
   flap flapped    ride rode
   stop stopped    stand stood
   shock shocked    fall fell
   change changed    hold held
   remain remained    sit sat
   happen happened    say said
   turn turned    lie lay
   fill filled  
   mount mounted  
   watch watched  
   look looked  
   jump jumped  
   land landed  
   pierce pierced  
   walk walked  
   carry carried  
   breathe breathed  
   finish finished  
   reach reached  

Frequently Asked Questions

The NCERT solution for Class 5 Chapter 20: Who will be Ningthou is important as it provides a structured approach to learning, ensuring that students develop a strong understanding of foundational concepts early in their academic journey. By mastering these basics, students can build confidence and readiness for tackling more difficult concepts in their further education. 

Yes, the NCERT solution for Class 5 Chapter 20: Who will be Ningthou is quite useful for students in preparing for their exams. The solutions are simple, clear, and concise allowing students to understand them better. They can solve the practice questions and exercises that allow them to get exam-ready in no time.

You can get all the NCERT solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 20 from the official website of the Orchids International School. These solutions are tailored by subject matter experts and are very easy to understand. 

Yes, students must practice all the questions provided in the NCERT solution for Class 5 English Chapter 20: Who will be Ningthou as it will help them gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept, identify their weak areas, and strengthen their preparation. 

Students can utilize the NCERT solution for Class 5 English Chapter 20 effectively by practicing the solutions regularly. Solve the exercises and practice questions given in the solution.

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