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5 Tips from UNICEF for helping kids with online learning

orchidadmin |

Health and Nutrition |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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Before we begin let us talk about UNICEF first, many people still do not know what does UNICEF does. To start with the full form of UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund. UNICEF works for the protection and rights of children around the world. We all know how the Covid 19 pandemic had hit the world and we all are suffering from it for the last 10 months. The economy and resources of several countries had come down on their knees and we all are looking for that one ray of hope that will brighten our way ahead. UNICEF has suggested 5 ways of helping kids with online learning and we are going to find out the details in this blog.

As the nationwide lockdown stretches to another fortnight, millions of children will now have to stay indoors for an extended period. They have nowhere to go and almost nothing to do.

Early school closures have affected the education of all students. At the same time, even adults have been forced to stay indoors or work from home. This has led to a double whammy of sorts for parents. One, they have to deal with children’s emotions and helping kids with online learning, and secondly, deal with their own professional and personal issues.

Robert Jenkins, the UNICEF Global Chief of Education has come out with five simple tips to help parents keep their children indulge in home learning and learn from during the quarantine period.

Plan A Routine Together for Online Learning

Parents must come up with a schedule that blends activities like learning, writing, reading, and playing. He says parents must use everyday activities as learning opportunities for children. He also says parents must be flexible and provide their children with newer activities if they don’t like some activity. UNICEF for every child has its concern and right now the major concern is of their education.

Have open conversations

Parents must encourage their children to ask a question and never shy away from answering them. In this way, they will be helping kids with online learning. Children may feel stressed and may show it in different ways, so parents must be patient and understanding.

5 tips for helping kids with online learning by UNICEF

He has urged parents to find out how much their children already know and follow their lead. “Discuss good hygiene practices. You can use everyday moments to reinforce the importance of things like regular and thorough handwashing. Make sure you are in a safe environment and allow your child to talk freely. Drawing, stories, and other activities may help to open a discussion,” Jenkins says.

Parents must be willing to listen and assure their children that it’s natural to feel scared in these testing times and that things will be all right in a few days.

Take your time

Just like UNICEF for every child has a proper concern and devised plan you must see your children as individuals and do not treat them as a combined entity.

Parents must start with shorter educational sessions and make them longer over a while. If the goal is to have a 30-or 45-minute session, then you must start with 10 minutes and build up from there. If possible, combine online or screen time with offline activities or exercises.

Protect children online during online learning

The internet is an amazing source for limitless learning, teaching, and entertainment; however, it has its share of pitfalls.

5 tips for helping kids with online learning by UNICEF

The Times of India recently published a report on how increased internet usage due to work from home has lead to hacking and cyberbullying. If you are using the internet to teach your child, then you must also teach them about how it works, what they need to be aware of, and what appropriate behaviour looks like on the platforms they use, such as video calls. “Establish rules together about how, when, and where the internet can be used.

Apart from many things what does UNICEF do with the regulation of rights and protection, this has been a major point of concern for UNICEF headquarters in New York to make people and children aware of the dark side of the internet and social media.

UNICEF encourages us to set up parental controls on their devices to mitigate online risks, particularly for younger children. Identify appropriate online tools for recreation together – organizations like Common Sense Media offer advice for age-appropriate apps, games, and other online entertainment, Jenkins says.

Tell your children not to share their or their family’s photos or any other information with anyone online, unless they know them personally.

Stay in touch with your children’s education facility

You must find out the best ways to stay in touch with your children’s teacher or school and be eager for helping kids with online learning. This will help you stay informed, ask questions, and get more guidance on how to stay educated in the extended holidays.

5 tips for helping kids with online learning by UNICEF

Get in touch or form a parent group through email or WhatsApp as these can be a good way to support each other. These groups provide information about the school. Also, other information is released by the education department, government, or even by the school authorities.

UNICEF is trying their best to gather education, protection, and rights for children all around the world and we should help them in their initiative.



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