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5 Important Life Lessons For Kids To Learn During Lockdown

orchidadmin |

Health and Nutrition |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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All educational institutions and other establishments have been shut down across the country as part of a slew of measures to slow the spread of coronavirus. So, this leaves many parents with only one option: to take care of their work, deal with their children and teaching the life lessons for kids.

Keeping children focused and motivated in these trying times is no easy task. What’s also difficult is also providing them with enough educative and productive activities to keep them engaged.

However, you must see the next few days as an opportunity to teach your children a few important life skills they don’t learn in their schools in Kolkata. These life skills for kids will help them get a grip on life when they become adults.

Family Above All Else

Spending most of the time at home has exponentially increased the time we spend with our families. This has reinforced the fact that after all, it’s the family that stays by us at all times. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us and more so children to learn that family comes
first and everything else can wait.

Resilience and flexibility

An event like coronavirus can cause a feeling of anxiety and parents need to keep cool, as well as show resilience and flexibility. They need to show maturity and keep control of their emotions. Children learn from their parents and when parents show these traits, children will learn to take charge or control the areas of their life during uncertain times.

Ultimate training for future

This is the time for parents to teach children to live independently. They are not going to school, so it’s time for you to start teaching them school manners at home so they will be ready and well trained once the school gets resumed.

There could be a time in the future when your child moves to another city or country for education or career. The life lessons that you give them today will give them an early start to important life skills like –

  • Benefits of punctuality
  • Importance of physical education
  • Maturity and emotional capabilities.
  • Daily chores and taking care of the house

You can start off by telling your child to clean the dishes or do laundry. once they are good with these, you can teach them some basic cooking skills. Later you can move onto other life lessons that you want them to learn for the future.

There are restrictions in place around the country. You can only go out to buy groceries, milk, fruits and vegetables, and nothing else. This is the time to teach children about how to make do with limited items, rationing, cooking, and budgeting for everything and everything else. If you have a garden at home, teach them gardening which can come in handy during a similar situation in the future.

Importance of relationships and socialising

Now that your children are away from friends and other relatives, they might have started missing them. they must have realized the importance of relationships and have started valuing these relationships. Now that you have time in hand, you must teach the importance of relationships and socialize.

We all are surrounded by people all our lives so it’s imperative for our kids to understand these life lessons and their role in one’s lives.

Learning to save and respect money

This is by far one of the most important life skills that you can teach your kids irrespective of their age and interests.

Most of us as parents give in to our children’s demands and buy them whatever they ask for without much thought. While this is okay when the economy is good and things are okay, but now when the world is almost entering recessions and one isn’t sure when things will improve, it’s important to teach these life lessons for kids about the importance of saving and respecting money. Teach them how to save money and invest wisely.

At last, we can only say school manners they will eventually learn in school. But life lessons for kids like benefits of punctuality, the importance of physical education, money management are some of the key life skills that every child should possess and learn irrespective of the lockdown period.



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