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15 amazing science facts that will blow your mind

orchidadmin |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

15 amazing science facts

Table of Contents


Children and science

The posterity of yesterday built the technologies of today. A kid who was awed by computers was Bill Gates today; many children love rockets, but one child’s love for it surpassed the rest. And today, he is Elon Musk, sending rocket after rocket out of the atmosphere, with a goal of terraforming Mars. Just imagine the laughs and mockery he would have faced in his adolescence when he told his friends that he wanted to send people to Mars. But he is doing it, becoming a progenitor of private space travel. Similarly, children of today are tomorrow’s scientists. Wide-eyed curiosity in a kid’s mind is the fuel for changing tomorrow’s world. We all understand the necessity of science. After all, science has done in the last five hundred years what our ancestors didn’t do for hundreds of thousands of years. Scientific children do not just live vibrant and fulfilling lives, but they also elevate humanity further. They love learning science facts for kids and the reason behind everything they see.

A curious child examining grass.

Though science has progressed much, there is still a lot to achieve, many problems to solve, like The Theory of Everything, the Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and the most desirable of all, why does time travel only in one direction. Maybe your little one is the future Einstein, who will crack one of such significant problems and take humanity to the next level and learn science facts for kids.

Importance of science facts and trivia

  • Kindle curiosity

While studying and memorizing laws or equations might bore a kid, a fascinating fact would make them curious. A weird little trivia will garner their attention and make them take an interest in science.

  • Make them experiment

Now that they have learned about a peculiar oddity, which is also true, in an otherwise mundane subject. So they would try their best to find the reason behind such apparent anomalies in science, which for all intents and purposes, a cool mystery for them to spend their time on.

  • Search for more

After solving one intriguing mystery, children would feel like they achieved something extraordinary when they learn about new science facts for kids. Finding an answer to an interesting scientific fact doesn’t give them the thrill, but the tedious work they did brought them the reward. To feel the same challenge and the eventual exhilaration, they would start searching for more.

  • Want to pursue science for a living

Now that they got a taste for the wonders of science, they might start loving the subject, even though it is just because it entertains them. And children would love to do what entertains their curious brains, which would lead them to enroll in science majors in their higher studies.

  • Betterhood of our species

Children who got interested, thanks to science facts for kids, will be future scientists, using that same mystery-solving attitude to crack the big questions of life. And when they find the answers, our whole species benefits.

Okay. We now know that cool science facts for kids can make a kid love science. Let us list out fifteen of them that we found interesting, which we hope will also impress your child.

Science Facts about Space

Let’s learn some amazing science facts for kids about the vast space:

  • How many men made objects do you think that’s in space? A hundred? Two hundred? Surely it couldn’t be more than a thousand, right? How about 34,000? Yup, space junk consists of the wastage and redundancy from our space exploration. These tiny pieces orbit the Earth at a whopping 17,000 mph, making it incredibly dangerous for the astronauts and shuttles. It is a problem that needs solving.
  • Now we answer a question almost every kid on the planet ponders over at least once. How long can you survive without a spacesuit in space? Fifteen seconds. That’s how long it would take your lungs to use up all the oxygen in the blood.
  • More than 99% of the mass of your solar system comes from the sun. Everything else combines to form just the remaining 0.2%
  • If you do the impossible and count all the sand from every beach on the Earth, it is still not as much as the number of stars in the Universe. That’s how incomprehensibly gigantic our Universe is.
  • You can’t walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune because they don’t have concrete surfaces as they are made up of gases.
A curious child playing with an astronaut who is in a make believe space.

Science Facts about Biology

How many science facts do you know about biology aka living beings? Well, here are some that we know about:

  • Guess what the largest living thing in the world is? Not an elephant or a blue what? It is a fungus, specifically Honey Fungus in Oregon, measuring 3.8 km across.
  • It takes a minute for a single blood cell to circulate the body.
  • If you take all the DNA in a human body and tie it end to end, that would be enough to stretch from the Sun to Pluto 17 times.
  • Though the brain is the reason we all feel in different parts of the body, the brain itself cannot feel pain.
  • Human eyes don’t ever grow; they remain in the same size from birth to death. But noses and ears never stop growing.

Science facts  about Physics and Chemistry

Lastly, here are some science facts for those who are curious about physics and chemistry:

  • Light travels faster in a medium with lower density, while sound travels at faster speeds the higher the density. 
  • Due to Einstein’s relativity, time moves faster at the top of a building than at its bottom because time slows near the Earth’s surface. However, we don’t feel it because the difference is incredibly negligible. 
  • When something gets cold, it shrinks except water, which expands when it freezes into a block of ice. 
  • We all have around 9.5% of hydrogen in our bodies. And it is discovered that all the hydrogen atoms formed at the heart of a start. So you literally have within you what was once a star.
  • Iron gives blood its red color, and the same element, which is abundant in Mars, gives the red planet its famous color. 

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