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Picture Comprehension : Make Story From Pictures for Class 1 English

Picture composition has three categories. The first is to describe the given picture. The second is to make a story from a given picture and the third is to write about the thoughts and feelings that the picture apparently suggests. In this chapter the focus is on the second one, that is to make story from pictures.

In this chapter students will learn:

  • Story making from pictures with examples.
  • Common mistakes to avoid while writing picture based story.

All the learning concepts covered for Class 1 have illustrations, mind maps, and examples. Students can check their understanding by solving the two printable PDF picture composition worksheet for class 1. The solutions to these exercises are also available in PDF format.


A picture composition consists of writing sentences based on a given picture. A writer will observe the picture, make a story out of it and express or elaborate on the thoughts and feelings they perceive from the picture.


Look at the picture and write a story about it.

This is a picture of a birthday party. The children are celebrating a girl’s birthday. The birthday girl is cutting a cake. There are three candles on the cake. The other children are standing next to her. All of them are wearing birthday caps. There is a magician who is showing magic tricks and entertaining the children. There are four birthday gifts on the table. It seems like the children are having so much fun.

How to form a story from a picture?

  1. Observe the picture and understand the theme it portrays.
  2. Notice the background of the picture or the place where the story took place.
  3. Look for the characters present in the picture and the actions performed by them.
  4. The story students will write must be picture relevant.
  5. Write simple sentences using simple words.
  6. The full story or the composition must be decided in mind before writing it.
  7. Information should be penned down in a logical order.
  8. Students can give names to the characters present in the picture to explain the picture better.

Common Mistakes:

  • When you are writing a story, avoid using the past tense.
  • A picture has all the clues. Observe the picture attentively otherwise you won’t be able to give correct answers.


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