In this concept, the students will learn about class 2 points and lines. They will learn about the types of lines. Also, they will learn about slant lines and curved lines.
In this learning concept, the students will learn:
Each concept is explained to class 2 maths students using illustrations, examples, and mind maps. You can assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets at the pages’ end.
Download the addition worksheet for class 2 and check the solutions for the concept of addition provided in PDF format.
In simple language, it can be said that a line is a long and thin mark. It can be seen easily as the length of a table, the length of pipes or trees, loose skipping ropes, etc.
There are two types of lines that can be seen in our surroundings.
A straight line is just a line with no curves. Fold a paper sheet in half. If we run a pencil along the fold from the top to the bottom, then we get a straight line.
A straight line can be drawn in three ways.
These lines can be seen from the edge of a diary, brick, eraser, etc.
These lines can be formed from the edges of the stems of trees, wickets, buildings, etc.
These lines can be seen in the staircase, roof of huts, etc.
A line with the curve is called a curved line. These lines can be seen easily in ropes, skipping rope, rope bridges, arch of windows, etc.
A point is a dot or a full stop. In real life, we can see that four leaves meet at one dot. This dot is said to be a point. A Point can be easily seen in road junctions also.