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EVS Class 3 NCERT Solutions, Chapter-1: Poonam’s Day Out

NCERT Class 3 EVS Chapter 1, Poonam’s Day Out provides a general overview of animals. It is narrated through Poonam, a young girl who looks into her surroundings and discovers the wonders of nature. In Class 3 EVS Chapter 1, The young learners will learn— to observe their locality and identify the different animals they see. the concepts of some common animals' habitats, sounds, and movements. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 1 Poonam’s Day Out in the PDF format for free.

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Poonam’s Day Out

Question 1 :

Poonam looked up. She saw many animals on the tree. Which animals can you spot on the tree in the picture? Write down their names.

Answer :

I spotted a monkey, a pigeon, an ant, a squirrel, a crow, a butterfly, a sparrow, a myna, and a parrot on the tree.

Question 2 :

 Can you act like the animals seen at the pond? Which animal makes what kind of sounds and movements? Try to make similar sounds.

Answer :

Yes, I can act like the animals which are seen in the pond.
Some of the animals in the pond make the following sounds—
Goat: Meiiiiiin – Meiiiiiin
Buffalo: Gruuuuuuunt
Frog: Croaak – Croaak
Tortoise: Hissssss

The animals in the above image are of different sizes and shapes showing different kinds of movements. The goat and the buffalo walk, a tortoise crawls, birds like the crane and the stork fly while the frog hops. They can do these with the help of their feet, wings, and tail.

Question 3 :

You must have seen many animals too. Write which of them—
can fly: _ _
can crawl: _
can walk: _ _
can hop: _
have wings: _ _
have feet: _
have tail: _ _ _

Answer :

can fly: Crow, Parrot, Sparrow
can crawl: Lizard, Snake, Snail
can walk: Dog, Cat, Lion
can hop: Kangaroo, Cricket, Grasshopper
have wings: Dove, Hawk, Eagle
have feet: Cow, Tiger, Camel
have tail: Zebra, Elephant, Horse

Question 4 :

Look at the pictures given below. Colour the animals that do not live in your house and mention their names below.

Answer :

The animals which do not live in my house are as follows—
Horse, Elephant, Fish, Duck, Rat, Hen, and Crow.

Question 5 :

Which animals did Poonam see at the pond? Look at the picture and write their names.

Answer :

Poonam saw a goat, tortoise, buffaloes, frogs, stork and crane.

Question 6 :

Here are some incomplete pictures of animals. Complete them and write their names below.

Answer :

Dog, Fish, Cockroach.

Who am I?

Question 1 :

Spend some time under a tree. Observe the animals carefully. Name the animals which can be seen—
on the branches: ,
on the leaves:, , _
on the trunk: _
on the ground: 
around the tree: 

Answer :

on the branches: Monkey, Ant, Owl
on the leaves: Slug, Snail, Millipede
on the trunk: Squirrel, Termite, Gecko
on the ground: Snake, Worm, Rat
around the tree: Deer, Cow, Buffalo

Question 2 :

 Find my name in the crossword and put a circle around it. One example has been given.

  1. Banana is what I love eating, I spend my time jumping and leaping.
  2. On the walls, webs I weave, where insects stick and cannot leave.
  3. I remain awake the whole night, and go to sleep in broad daylight.
  4. Croak, croak, croak is my sound, in water or on land I am found.
  5. I appear after rainfall, have no feet so I crawl.
  6. Slow and steady is my pace, I always win when there is a race.

Answer :

 1. Banana is what I love eating, I spend my time jumping and leaping.   I am Monkey. 
 2. On the walls, webs I weave, where insects stick and cannot leave.   I am Spider. 
 3. I remain awake the whole night, and go to sleep in broad daylight.   I am Owl. 
 4. Croak, croak, croak is my sound, in water or on land I am found.   I am Frog. 
 5. I appear after rainfall, have no feet so I crawl.   I am Snail. 
 6. Slow and steady is my pace, I always win when there is a race.   I am Tortoise. 

Question 3 :

Now arrange these animals in the order of their size — smallest being the first.

Answer :

 1.Termite     2. Ant   3. Snail  
 4. Slug    5. Worm  6. Millipede 
 7. Gecko   8. Rat  9. Squirrel 
 10. Owl   11. Snake    12. Monkey 
 13. Deer    14. Cow   15. Buffalo  


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