1. Match the vehicles with their correct position.(1 × 5 = 5)


  2. Fill in the blanks.(1 × 5 = 5)
    1. Write the numeral in words: 40 = ………
    2. 9 Tens 9 ones = ………
    3. G1_2_QP4_CICCLE.png
    4. The month comes before November is ………
    5. There are ……… days in a week.
  3. Observe the given picture carefully and answer the following questions. (1 × 5 = 5)


    1. Colour the animal brown inside the kennel.
    2. Colour the animal grey under the tree.
    3. Colour the bird red on the tree.
    4. Colour the animal pink near the traffic signal.
    5. Colour the bird blue above the clouds.
  4. Solve the following.(2 × 5 = 10)
    1. Write the missing numbers.
      1. 2 + __ = 5
      2. __+ 6 = 10
    2. Write the missing number by counting backwards.


    3. Answer the following.
      1. 1 ten = ___ Ones
      2. Smallest three-digit number = ___
    4. Complete the pattern.
      1. G1_5_QP4_BOX.png
      2. G1_6_QP4_BLUE.png
    5. Count the total amount.
      1. G1_7_QP4_COIN.png
      2. G1_8_QP4_NOTE.png
  5. Do as directed. (2 × 5 = 10)
    1. Do the addition by drawing steps. One is done for you.

      3 + 3 = 6


      4 + 7 = ____


    2. Draw the beads in the abacus equal to the given below it.


    3. Colour the bigger object Yellow and smaller object Green in each box.


    4. Guess who will win the race. Tick (☑) the car at short distance from the winning line and cross (☒) the car at long distance from the winning line.


    5. Compare the time duration of the given activities.


      Activity takes longer time = _________

      Activity takes shorter time = _________

  6. Draw the given shape and write the number of corners.(3 × 1 = 3)
    1. Rectangle

      Number of corners =

    2. Circle

      Number of corners =

    3. Triangle

      Number of corners =

  7. Solve the following.(3 × 4 = 12)
    1. Twinkle had a birthday party at her home. She received the following gifts. Sort these gift and complete the table.

      (Chocolates, Teddy, Pen, Flower bouquet)


      Gift name Picture of the gift Number of gifts
    2. From the above table answer the following questions.
      1. Which gift she received the most?
      2. How many total gifts she received?
      3. How many more teddy than the pen she received?
    3. Twinkle buy 10 birthday caps and 10 books as a return gifts. How many total gifts she bought?


    4. Cost of a birthday cap and a book is given below. Answer the following questions.


      1. How many ₹1 coinG1_18_QP4_COIN1.png needed to buy 1 birthday cap?
      2. How many ₹2 coin G1_19_QP4_COIN2.png needed to buy 1 birthday cap?
      3. How many ₹10 note G1_20_QP4_NOTE.png needed to buy 1 book?


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