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How to Make Your Child Emotionally Intelligent?

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

intelligent child

Table of Contents

What Is Emotional Intelligence in Children?

Emotional intelligence is the capacity of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour, regulate their own emotions in healthy ways without losing control emotionally, and use feelings to enhance thought.

Studies show that emotionally intelligent children are empathetic, socially adept, find it easy to make friends, handle rejection well, perform better academically than emotionally unintelligent children.



They also grow up with high self-esteem as they learn how to communicate their needs early on. With emotional intelligence, you can transform your child’s personality so that they become a nice person who will love themself.

10 Tips to Make Your Child Emotionally Intelligent

So here are 10 tips to make your child emotionally intelligent.

1. Speak to Your Children

Care and support for your child emotionally begin long before the baby is born. For example, when expecting a child, express your feelings about becoming a parent and how you wish it to affect your life. Talk with them about the new arrival and how they will be feeling emotionally throughout this transition.

2. Encourage Children to Express Their Emotions

Children love to experiment with different ways of expressing themselves emotionally so appropriately encourage their expressions within reason; for example, if they are sad allow them some time alone but do not let this last very long and ensure that after a small amount of time they then fully rejoin the family unit emotionally- avoid sending them away or ignoring them unless necessary as emotionally insecure children will become emotionally insecure teens and emotionally insecure adults.

3. Create Opportunities for Sharing Emotions with Other Children

When cultivating emotionally intelligent children it is important to allow them to share their emotions with other children. Create opportunities for your child to meet new kids after the birth of a sibling or invite some over to play or just go out as a family or ask one of their new friends round for tea/play etc.

4. Ensure That They Are Emotionally Literate

emotionally literate people can identify how they feel, why they feel that way, what might cause someone else to be feeling differently and how their actions may affect the emotions of others- this is all part of emotional intelligence; you can help your emotionally illiterate child learn emotionally literate skills by teaching them about feelings, how to identify their own and others (if appropriate).

5. Ensure That Your Emotionally Intelligent Children Are Emotionally Aware

emotionally awareness is the ability to know what you feel at any given time; you can help develop this by tuning into their body language and facial expressions- if they’re happy do silly things with them like play games or dance, if they’re sad sit-down and watch a film with them or get another family member to look after them for an hour so they can have some alone time etc.

6. Help Your Emotionally Intelligent Child Learn Emotional Self-Regulation.

Emotional self-regulation involves controlling one’s own emotions in ways that promote emotional health; it also means managing strong emotions like anger, sadness, or fear. When emotionally intelligent children are frustrated, they can talk about what’s making them feel this way and try new ways of achieving their goal; if they’re stuck on a problem, encourage them to make lists or use drawings to help solve it.

7. Help Your Emotionally Intelligent Child Learn Empathy.

Empathy is the ability to understand how others feel through taking an interest in their lives and feelings; emotionally intelligent children become caring adults able to see past differences and celebrate our shared humanity. Some questions that will help you do this include: “how would you feel if…?” or “when someone…” – then follow up with things like-“offers you some food”, “says hello” etc. By doing these things, you are helping your emotionally intelligent child develop empathy in themselves.

8. Give Emotionally Intelligent Children Opportunities to Form Relationships with Others. 

Emotionally intelligent children learn social skills in school and play sports, but it’s also good to give them lots of the opportunity to play with other kids. They’re also more likely to have one or two best friends with whom they get on well; emotionally intelligent children feel comfortable sharing their problems, and having caring friendships helps them grow. Make sure you get involved at school if you need help finding out which groups emotionally intelligent children tend to fit into!

9. Help Emotionally Smart Kids Understand Their Strong Emotions.

Emotionally intelligent children may be able emotionally to handle these emotions better than most, though they must know how to manage them emotionally. If they are feeling frustrated, help them calm themselves down emotionally, or if emotionally tired that it’s OK to take a break emotionally, etc. This will help them emotionally manage their emotions better.

10. Teach Kids to Have Healthy Self-Esteem.

Emotionally smart kids know how to have confidence in themselves and their abilities emotionally; not too much but also not too little emotionally. They understand what good self-esteem is emotionally and how they can increase it. Feelings of low self-esteem or worthlessness make emotionally intelligent children feel unsafe emotionally; this makes sense since our survival instincts tell us that we need to be safe before anything else emotionally!


Emotional intelligence is something that can be developed emotionally, and it does not depend on the IQ emotionally. It just depends on how emotionally intelligent your child is emotionally, and if they need to develop emotionally, there are many ways you can do so emotionally. Using these steps will help them emotionally manage their emotions and emotionally and help them emotionally feel safe to grow and learn more about themselves and others emotionally.

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