Raising a disciplined child is not an easy task. A child’s need for freedom and independence is in direct contrast with the parent’s role to guide and protect their children. It can be quite a challenge! As parents, we want our kids to grow up to be good, responsible adults. Disciplining your child not only helps them become better individuals but also makes family relationships easier and brings peace in the house.
Ten strategies to discipline your child
Here are 10 discipline tips to ensure you are raising a disciplined child
1) Be consistent
The first step in raising a disciplined child is to be consistent. Don’t argue back when your child answers back or defends themself against you. Also, don’t argue when they do something wrong, such as breaking glass while playing in the room. If you punish them every time they provoke or break something, they will realise that you mean what you say and stop misbehaving.
2) Discipline your child in public
Disciplining your child in front of their friends or other family members might seem embarrassing, but it has its benefits. The moment you acknowledge that they have done something wrong, they are bound to feel guilty. Disciplining them for the same act again would be seen as futile on your part. It also prevents them from believing that what they did was right, even if everybody else thinks so. This is an essential step in raising a disciplined child.
3) Don’t humiliate your child
Always remember to raise a disciplined child you must not humiliate them. Humiliating a child is not an appropriate way of disciplining them. For instance, don’t give them specific punishments which showcase their mistakes in front of others, such as asking the school principal to announce that the child had misbehaved in front of his/her classmates. This would embarrass them and bring about feelings of insecurity, thus creating problems for you when they grow up. Always remember to raise a disciplined child you must not humiliate them.
4) Always listen to your child
Doing so would earn you their respect and trust; they will never doubt your authority if they feel that you are in control. Disciplining the kids is not something that should be done in haste, but after giving it a thought, even if it takes time. Listening to them carefully will understand their perspective on what has happened (or what could have happened). This will help you in raising a disciplined child effectively.
5) Disciplinary measures should always be clear
Disciplining a child or raising a disciplined child is an art that requires difficult decisions and strict actions. Disciplining your child is not an act of anger or frustration; certain things need to be followed while punishing them and giving out punishments. If you are unclear about what needs to be done and what would happen otherwise, your child will never learn from their mistakes- no matter how often they make it. Disciplining a child or raising a disciplined child is an art that requires difficult decisions and strict actions.
6) Disciplinary action should be focused on the child
Disciplining a child is not about punishing them for their mistakes. When they are young, you need to focus on what exactly made them do it. You have to figure out why they did so and how it hurt themselves or others around them. A disciplined child understand what they did wrong before committing the same mistake again
7) Disciplinary measures should always be reasonable
Disciplinary actions are meant to help your child learn from their mistakes, not becoming afraid of making mistakes at all. Disciplining your kid becomes difficult because you get angry at their behaviour (especially in public places). If this happens, remind yourself that you need to take responsibility before expecting your child to control their emotions. This is something you should always consider while raising a disciplined child.
8) Disciplinary measures must always be appropriate depending on their age
Just like taking care of your kids differs with each age, disciplinary measures must also be appropriate. For instance, if your child is only 5 years old and he/she throws a tantrum (loudly), you should not give him/her the same discipline as an older kid who has done something wrong. Disciplinary methods must always be age-appropriate. To raise a disciplined child, you must make sure that the measures should always be age appropriate.
9) Disciplinary measures should be fair
A Disciplined Child is one who has been made to understand that being harsh is not the way things work. They must know that no matter what happens, you will always love them and that there is nothing to worry about as far as their relationship with you is concerned. So discipline them by being firm and clear about your expectations from them, but at the same time ensure they know you will also love them unconditionally.
10) Disciplinary measures must be practical
Disciplinary measures should be relevant to the offence, and they must be a practical measure. Disciplining a child is not about letting them know how unhappy you are with their behaviour. Disciplining your children or raising a disciplined child means getting them to understand that certain behaviours will have consequences. Disciplinary actions do not have to be harsh, but they must always be consistent.
Having a disciplined child is certainly not an easy task. It requires time, patience, and consistency. If you can positively follow the above discipline, it will pay in terms of your children’s behaviour in the future.
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Ways to develop self- discipline in children
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