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6 Different Ways of Public Speaking

orchidadmin |

Child Learning |

2024-08-08 |

null mins read


Table of Contents

What is Meant by Public Speaking?

Public speaking is the act of communicating information to a large audience. Public speakers are often professional or amateur individuals who communicate their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs in public forums such as speeches, lectures, debates, and interviews.

Public Speaking Skills

What are the Different Styles of Public Speaking?

There are 6 different types of speaking styles. Choose what suits you best!

  • Informative speaking: It informs the public about an event, objective, or issue. Common informative topics include environmental issues and sustainability; global warming and climate change; human rights violations in other countries; animal rights abuses in various industries; new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology.
  • Persuasive public speeches: A persuasive public speaker is someone who speaks on behalf of a cause with strong convictions to convince its members or others to adopt their beliefs by using logical arguments. This type of public speaker may use emotion-laden words like “must,” “should,” or “ought.”
  • Entertainment speaking: It is any public speech that is designed to entertain. Like a way to break the ice at professional gatherings, a stand-up gig or when giving speeches for nonprofits and charities.
  • Passionate speaking: In this the public speaker speaks about something they are passionate about. This does not necessarily have a “social or professional” motive.
  • Inspiring speech: This is a public speech designed to inspire and motivate an audience towards a certain goal or action, by appealing to their emotions, intellect, and willpower.
  • Fun speaking in public: Public speakers may want to focus on being fun because this can make it more memorable for others both now and later. Some examples include stand-up comedy or a comic act.

5 Ways to Ace Your First Public Speaking Act

Public speaking

Following are the Top 5 Creative Speaking Ideas:

  • Start with a story or joke. This will make the audience feel more like they are part of your presentation and it is easier to maintain their attention span if they are not bored by facts being thrown at them. You want people’s minds as engaged in what you’re saying as possible!
  • Create visual aids that tell a story visually instead of just reading off slides to an audience. For example, use photographs or videos rather than PowerPoint slide shows when telling stories about things happening on screen right now (like live video feeds). Emotional content should always come first, then the facts. This helps in establishing a connection with your audience.
  • When giving public speeches over large crowds of people, try breaking into smaller groups with interactive activities that allow participants to get more invested in your speech and what it has to say about speaking techniques. You’ll have an easier time getting back together again after break than those who are just listening passively without taking part in any way.
  • Try something new by incorporating humor into some of you speaking engagements/talks.
  • Engage in speaking in public without any notes. Yes, it can be done and will make you a more confident public speaker who isn’t afraid to take risks with your speech content. Don’t use the traditional route of using a microphone for speaking in public instead bring something else that grabs attention, like a prop. 

How Public Speaking Improves Personality of an Individual?

Public speaking changes personality
  • It can help improve the personality of an individual by providing a public forum for them to express their thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
  • Speaking is also good at promoting self-confidence in public speakers. It provides opportunities for public speakers to practice what they have prepared before giving it off live.
  • Matters discussed through speaking are often thought-provoking and this helps individuals think about new viewpoints which may otherwise not be explored.
  • With every act, children improve their emotional intelligence.
  • It improves one’s ability to communicate and articulate thoughts confidently with a clear message.

Why do Most People Fail in Public Speaking?


In many cases, the speaker’s fears come from their own belief system that if they make an error during the speech then this will be seen by the audience and could lead to negative consequences such as not being taken seriously again later or criticized for having made mistakes. This is where you need to realize that making mistakes while speaking is natural because nobody has perfect speech every time without any errors at all.

People fail in speaking due to the following reasons

  • Lack of speaking skills.
  • Anxiety and fear of speaking.
  • Fear about what others think.
  • Stage fright.


Whether you are asked to speak in front of a group, give an interview on the radio or television, or sit down for a one-on-one meeting with your school counselor, there is always pressure. The good news is that speaking does not have to be as nerve-wrecking if you can get people talking about what they want and need before asking them anything else. 

The key is to simply give yourself a chance, even if it is in front of a small group. Keep practicing the skill to speak clearly and you’ll have a success road in front of you!

So, when was the first time you spoke publicly?

Also Read:

Eight ways to develop Public Speaking Skills in Children

School-Related Anxiety and Stress in Children and Teens

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