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Physics in Everyday Life: Facts, Examples, and Importance

Prakriti Dhodare |

Child Learning |

2024-08-09 |

null mins read


Table of Contents

Definition of Physics

Physics is a field of study that examines matter, including its composition, nature, and properties. It also examines heat, mechanics, light, electricity, magnetism, the structure of atoms, and sound. 

We live in an era in which science and technology has become a part of our everyday life. Even in the pre-scientific era, human’s everyday life was governed by several principles of physics. They were just not aware of the concept. Simplest functions like walking, cutting, and cooking  can only be explained through concepts of physics. Physics is a significant aspect of modern culture and human history. Its advancement has aided numerous other human endeavors, including economic development, space exploration, and telecommunications.

Physics Facts in Everyday Life:

  1. Sound waves can generate heat.
  1. You are using a touchscreen phone only because of conductivity. Electricity and electromagnets are the underlying concepts of cell phones.
  1. Transparent objects are visible because they reflect light.
  1.  Without friction, you won’t be able to walk.

Example of Physics in Everyday Life with Explanation

1) Have you ever wondered how you could see the image of anything in the water? The clear water surface acts like a smooth reflecting top; it reflects light when the image strikes the surface. However, we can see our image in the water.

2) It must have caught your attention that pushing against the hinges of a swinging door makes it difficult to open, while pushing away from the hinges makes it simple. Torque’s physical applicability is evident in this situation. The force that propels rotation is known as torque.

3) The gravitational force is common in many aspects of daily life. For instance, gravity is necessary for playing, sliding, jumping, and running. A person will only fall downward if they jump off a building. In zero-gravity space, it would be impossible for someone to jump using the same technique.


Advantages of Physics in Everyday Life

Alarm Clock

                              Alarm Clock

When an alarm clock rings, the molecules present nearby vibrate. The vibration causes the other molecules to vibrate as well. An alarm clock releases a wave of energy that triggers the human brain. 

Steam Iron

Iron Box

The concept of the electric iron is based upon the principle of the heating effect of current. Due to the resistance present in it, an electric current passing through a conductor generates heat. A steam iron uses superheated water to eliminate creases in clothing and fabrics. Along with this, iron weight forces them to adopt a new shape.

Ball Pen


Gravity is the fundamental factor in the ball pen concept. The ink is transferred to the paper as your pen glides over the page. It rotates the ball, and gravity pulls the ink down onto its top. So, if physics had not been there, you would not have been able to write with a ballpoint pen on paper.

Doppler Radar 

Frequency Iron

To check for over speeding vehicles, police often use Doppler Radar. It works on the principle of the Doppler Effect. Whenever the source of the sound moves concerning the listener, the sound’s pitch changes. The reason for this is that as the sound source travels nearer or farther away from the listener, the frequency of the sound wave changes.

Importance of Physics in Everyday Life

Physics explains, how the world functions around us. Every action we perform in daily life has a direct or indirect connection to the concepts of physics, such as walking, drinking, jumping, etc. Electronic devices such as phones, computers, bluetooth speakers, alarm clocks, air conditioners, etc., follow the laws of physics. These kinds of devices help humans to make their work easier and more efficient.

How Does Physics Affect Our Everyday Life?

Physics concepts and laws, such as the law of motion, the law of attraction, friction, potential energy, kinetic energy, gravitational force, etc., help us to unravel the reason behind most of the activities we perform in our daily life. We can not disconnect our world from physics as  innovation is almost impossible without understanding the concepts of physics.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the Father of Physics?

Answer: Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein are the fathers of physics. Because of their various contributions, all three are considered the founders of modern physics. Newton was given the name due to his Law of Motion and Gravity. Galileo is called so because of his scientific revolution and his contribution to observational astronomy, and Einstein for his Theory of Relativity.

2. What is Newton’s First Law of Motion?

Answer: Newton’s First Law states that if the body is in a uniform or constant motion, it will remain in the same motion until some external force acts. It is also known as the Law of Inertia.

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