Answer all the questions.
- Choose the correct option. (1×6=6)
- 2 + 6 = …………….
- 3
- 2
- 6
- 8
- The day after today is called…………….
- Tomorrow
- Previous day
- Yesterday
- Holiday
- The smallest two-digit number is …………….
- 13
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 67 = ………. Tens ……………. Ones
- 7 Tens 6 Ones
- 67 Tens 0 Ones
- 6 Tens 7 Ones
- 60 Tens 7 Ones
- Count the number of objects.

- 6
- 8
- 7
- 5
- We can write 3rd as ……….
- Second
- Threeth
- Third
- Threerd
- Fill in the blanks. (1×5=5)
- January, February, March, …………….
- It is ……………. when we go to sleep.
- We have two coins of 1 rupee. We have total Rs. …..
- 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ……
- In the word ‘puppy’ the letter ‘p’ appears …… times.
- Observe the given picture carefully and answer the questions. (1×6=6)

- There are total ……………. people in the picture.
- Everyone is sitting ……………. the fan. (above\below)
- Toys are kept ……………. the box. (inside\outside)
- The bicycle is ……………. the box. (inside\outside)
- The flowerpot is kept ……………. the table. (on\under).
- The cat is sleeping ……………. the table. (on\under)
- Do as directed. (1×4=4)
- Tick (☑) the biggest pot.

- Tick (☑) the object that can roll.

- Tick (☑) the Rs. 20 coin.

- Complete the pattern.

- Do as directed. (2×5=10)
- Do the addition vertically.
- 5 and 4
- 3 and 6
- Do the Subtraction horizontally.
- Subtract 0 from 8.
- Subtract 1 from 7.
- Write the missing numbers.

- Colour and name the Tallest animal.

Tallest animal -
- Write the missing numbers that come after and before the given number.

- Colour and count the shapes in the picture as directed. (2×5=10)





- Complete the table by drawing the objects. And answer the following questions. (3×1=3)

Object |
Draw the objects |
Count the objects |
Pencil |
Eraser |
Ruler |
- How many total objects are there?
- Which object is more in numbers?
- How many less ruler than the eraser are there?
- Solve the following.(3×2=6)
Minu has following coins:

- Count the money Minu has:
- 1-rupees

- 2-rupees

She has

in total.
- She gave three 1-rupee coins to Niket. How many 1-rupee coins left with her?

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