Section A
Answer all the questions.
- Select the suitable adjective from the bracket and fill in the blanks. (1 × 6 = 6)
- He was a _________ soldier. (small/brave)
- Sunaina has _______ hair. (cold/beautiful)
- She bought some _______ furniture from the market. (old/week)
- You should wear _____ clothes to the office. (comfortable/tight)
- There are some ______ of apples on the table. (red/purple)
- Ravi is a _______ student. (taller /clever)
- Write the plural forms of the following words. (1 × 5 = 5)
- Key - ________
- Box - _______
- Potato - ______
- Egg - ______
- Dish - ______
- Select the correct collective noun from the bracket and fill in the blanks. (1 × 5 = 5)
(bunch, herd, bouquet, pack, circle)
- She has a ________ of friends.
- There is a _______ of cows in the farm.
- My sister bought a _______ of flowers for me.
- I bought a ______ of cards from the market.
- There is a ______ of bananas on the table.
Section B
- Read the extract and answer the questions. (2 × 5 = 10)
Once upon a time there lived a donkey named Goopu. He had worked for many years in the house of a farmer. He had carried many heavy sacks of corn and sugarcane, from the farm to the factory. He was now very tired and old. The farmer said to Goopu, ‘You are a good donkey’. Take this sack of corn and go and see the world, before you become too old.
- What was the name of the donkey? (1)
- Where did he work? (1)
- What did the donkey carry? (1)
- What did the farmer say to the donkey? (1)
- Find the opposite words from the passage for the given words: (2)
- light
- young
- Find two verbs from the first and second line of the passage. (2)
- Find the pronoun from the given sentences. (2)
- You are a good donkey.
- He was now very tired and old.
- Pick the rhyming words and make sentences with each of them. (2 × 5 = 10)
- The cat sat on the wall.
- The red saree kept on the bed belongs to me.
- You should play cricket during the day.
- After returning from the trip, he was very sick.
- I met him while I was walking with my pet.
Section C
- Use the words given in the bracket and describe your family in five sentences. (1 × 5 = 5)
(members, love, small, respect, help, celebrate)
- Write a story on the picture by taking the help of the outline and introduction given. (1 × 6 = 6)

A poor farmer brought a hen from the market- hen gave golden egg- farmer sold egg- he got money- he and wife were greedy- decided to sell all eggs at once- killed the hen- no eggs found- farmer was poor again.
Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He was very poor. He worked very hard to earn money. One day he bought a hen from the market….
- Explain the events by looking at the pictures given in the sequence. (1 × 4 = 4)
Give the boy a name and write a sentence for each picture on the activity he does in each picture.

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