1) Choose the correct option.
(1 X 10 = 10)
- 102 is written as _______.
- 4 × 3 = ____
- Which of the following is an even number? _____
- 203 = …Hundreds … Tens … Ones
i. 2 Hundreds 0 Tens 3 Ones
ii. 3 Hundreds 0 Tens 2 Ones
- The number comes before:
- Place value of the underline number: 436
- 44 + ____= 50
- There are ____ days in the month of January.
- To pay Rs. 50, we need ___ notes of Rs. 10.
- 34
2) Fill in the blanks.
(1 X 8 = 8)
- The first month of the year is _____.
- The smallest one digit even number is ___.
- Among 55 and 215, the larger number is ___.
- 23 + 58 = ____.
- 68 – 32 = ____.
- Three 10-rupee coins make Rs. ____.
- 7 × 5 = ____.
- __ PM is the noon time.
3) Do as directed.
(1 X 8 = 8)
- Tick ( ✔ ) the heavier animal and cross ( 🗶 ) the lighter animal.

- Write the missing numbers.

- Write the missing number.
Length of the bat = ____ hand-spans
- If 2 glass of water fill one jug.
= 2 glass of water
= __________ = ___ glass of water
- Use the correct symbol in the box. ( > , < , =)
- 87
- 13
- 6, 9, 14, 17
Even numbers = ______
Odd Numbers = ______
- Complete the sequence.
14, 17, 20, ___, ___
- Tick ( ✔ ) the longer object and cross ( 🗶 ) the shorter object.

4) Solve the following.
(2 X 9 = 18)
- Do the addition and write it in the form of multiplication.
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = ____
- Complete the pattern.
- Arrange the numbers in ascending order and descending order.
57, 37, 47, 27
- Write in the expanded form by using place value.
- Do the addition.

- Do the subtraction.

- Do the multiplication.

- Make the two-digits smaller number and bigger number from the given digits: 8, 6
Smaller number = _____ Bigger number = _____
- Order the following activities in the correct sequence.
- Eat the sandwich.

- Spread the jam on the bread.

- Put a slice of bread on a plate.

- Put the another slice of the bread on it.

5) Solve the following.
(3 X 2 = 6)
- If Amrita, Suha and Bipin each one has Rs. 60. They bought the following things. Observe the given table and answer the following questions.
- Who bought more things? How many things?
- Who bought the same number of diaries?
- How many more hairclips Suha bought than the Amrita?
- Cost of each item is given. How much money each one spends?
= Rs. 5,
= Rs. 10,
= Rs. 1,
= Rs. 15
= Rs. 7,
= Rs. 9
- Amrita = + + + + + = Rs.
- Suha = + + + + + + = Rs.
- Bipin = + + + + = Rs.
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