Fill in the blanks.
(1 × 10 = 10)
- Today is Monday, the day after tomorrow will be ________.
- 68 = ___ + ___
- 5 × ___ = 40
- Write the date of the following day.
Independence day = ______
- Even number just after 16 is _____.
- 47 − 9 = _____
- 1-rupee = 100 paise, 2-rupee = _____ paise.
- Smallest three-digits number is _____.
- A triangle has _____ sides.
- Place value of the 5 in 567 is _____.
State true or false.
(1 × 5 = 5)
- The numeral 234 is written in words as two hundred thirty-four.
- The smallest two-digits number is 200.
- 1 hundred + 3 tens + 5 ones = 130.
- 111
- 42 + 12 = 54
Do as directed.
(1 × 6 = 6)
- Tick ( ✔ ) the heavier one and cross ( 🗶 ) the lighter one.
- Colour the longer object.
- Draw a ball shape two fingers away from the given square.
- 6 × 7 = _____, 7 × 6 = _____
- 2 glasses of water can fill one bowl, we write it as:
2 glass of water =


Answer the followings.
4 glass of water can fill _____ bowl.
4 glass of water =

= _____
- Use the correct symbol in the box. (>, <, =)
- 34
- 27
Solve the following.
(2 × 10 = 20)
- Complete the following pattern.
- Arrange the numbers in ascending order and descending order.
4, 37, 100, 18, 57
- Write the numbers in standard form.
- 70 + 8 = ____
- 200 + 30 + 1 = _____
- Write the place value of the underlined numbers.
- 456 Place value: _____
- 74Place value: _____
- If cost of 1 pen is Rs 5, what is the cost of 3 pens? (Write the addition into multiplication form)
5 + 5 + 5 = Rs. _____
__ × __ = __
- Name two objects similar to each of the following shapes.
Cylinder = ______, ______
Cuboid = ______, ______
- Tick ( ✔ ) the correct time for each of the following activity.
- Do the addition.
- Do the subtraction.
- Make any four two-digits numbers by using following numbers.
4, 3, 7
Two-digits numbers = ___, ___, ___, ___
Among these above 4 numbers,
Smallest number = ___
Biggest number = ___
Solve the following.
(3 × 3 = 9)
- The pictograph shows number of fruits each one buy. By using this graph answer the following questions.
- What is the title of the graph?
- Who bought the most food items?
- How many more food items Shivam bought than Nisha?
- Count the cost of food items. One has been solved for you.
= Rs.10

= Rs._____

= Rs._____

= Rs. _____
- Find the amount each one spends to buy the above food items.
(Hint: Find number of items each one buys and use above cost)
- Shivam = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = Rs. 50
- Nisha =
- Akash =
- Sheena =
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