Chapter 18 No Place for Us talks about family and its importance, moving to bigger cities and the problems faced there, relocation of people to different places due to various causes like the building of roads, dams, and bridges and the inconvenience it causes to the people. No Place for Us summary mentioned above will guide kids to know more about the people who do not have their own place. The NCERT textbook (Looking Around) questions are answered in a simple and engaging manner. We also have related ‘Learning Concepts’, and interactive worksheets with solutions. Our ‘Learning Beyond’ segment caters to all the probable questions that the child might think out of curiosity. Download Chapter 18 No Place for Us? in the PDF format for free.
The NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 18 - No Place For Us are tailored to help the students master the concepts that are key to success in their classrooms. The solutions given in the PDF are developed by experts and correlate with the CBSE syllabus of 2023-2024. These solutions provide thorough explanations with a step-by-step approach to solving problems. Students can easily get a hold of the subject and learn the basics with a deeper understanding. Additionally, they can practice better, be confident, and perform well in their examinations with the support of this PDF.
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Students can access the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 18 - No Place For Us. Curated by experts according to the CBSE syllabus for 2023–2024, these step-by-step solutions make EVS much easier to understand and learn for the students. These solutions can be used in practice by students to attain skills in solving problems, reinforce important learning objectives, and be well-prepared for tests.
Jatrya learnt so many things in Khedi. How many of those would be useful for him in Mumbai?
The following skills may be useful for him in Mumbai— i) Catching fish, ii) Playing flute and dhol, iii) Pot making.
Can you imitate the sound of any bird? Show how.
I can imitate the sound of a cuckoo.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
Have you seen any children (in your school or neighbourhood) who also go to work?
Yes, many children who do not belong to well-off families work to earn money. Some of them work at small eateries, some at garages and some as house-helps.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
What kind of work do they do? Why do they have to work?
They do the following works—
i) Rag picking
ii) Helping at garages
iii) Working as waiters at small eateries
iv) Working as house-helps
v) Distributing newspapers
vi) Selling things
They need to work to support their families. Some of them even work for continuing their education.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
In Khedi village what all did children learn?
The children learnt the following things—
i) Dancing.
ii) Playing flute and dhol.
iii) Making pots using clay and bamboo.
iv) Recognise the sounds of different birds.
What do you learn from your elders?
We learn the following things from our elders—
i) Respecting and helping people in need.
ii) Basic household chores.
iii) Moral values.
iv) Maintaining and following a disciplined routine.
v) Our cultural values and festivals.
Do you hear the sounds of birds every day? Which ones?
Yes, I hear the sounds of crow, cuckoo, pigeon and sparrow almost every day.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
Have you experienced silence? When and where?
Yes, I feel silence at late nights or early mornings.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
What are some of the sounds that you hear every day, but the people of Khedi may not be hearing?
The following sounds may not be heard by the people of Khedi—
i) Honking of vehicles
ii) Loud music in restaurants
iii) Blaring of horns by trains
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
Jatrya felt alone, even in a crowd of people. Have you ever felt like this?
Yes, this sometimes happens when I go to a new place and don’t know anyone there.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
Imagine how it feels to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place?
It is tough to settle down in a new place. It affects a person emotionally, socially, and financially.
Why do you think families like that of Jatrya’s are coming to big cities?
Families like Jatrya’s are shifting to big cities because of the following reasons—
i) In search of jobs, ii) Expect good wages, iii) Lack of resources in rural areas.
Do you know some people who have never been to school? Do you also know of any place where there is no school?
Yes, my maternal grandmother never went to school. My maid does not send her daughter to school as she cannot afford it. There are some areas near my ancestral village where there are no schools nearby.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
Have you heard of people who don’t want to be moved from their old place? Talk about them.
I have observed that older people are never comfortable with the idea of moving to a new place. Young people accept this idea quickly because of the job opportunities and comfortable life. But for older people they feel comfortable in their traditional lifestyle at villages in the middle of the people they grew up with, and it is difficult for them to adapt to the new environment of cities.
Who all come to your mind when you think about your family?
I think of my parents, siblings and my extended family. I live in a joint family where we all are close.
[Students should mention their experience based on the above lines.]
In Khedi, how many people were there in Jatrya’s family? When he thought about his family who all came to his mind?
Jatrya’s family comprised of him and his parents. When he thought about his family, he thought of his future wife and children.
Many people in Jatrya’s village did not agree to move away from their land and forest. Why? They had to leave even though they did not want to. Why?
People in Khedi didn’t want to leave their village as it was associated with their ancestors, and moreover, it is not easy to go and settle in a new place. They were forced to leave because they had to vacate the land for building a dam.
Think of the kinds of difficulties people have to face where a dam is being built.
People have to face the following difficulties—
i) Destruction of crops and agricultural lands.
ii) Loss of cattle.
iii) Leaving one’s home.
iv) Relocating to new areas where the expense is high.
v) Getting habituated to life at a new place.
Draw a picture of Khedi village and a picture of Jatrya’s dream village. Discuss the differences between them. Also look at the pictures your friends have drawn.