Kinds of Sentences for class 5 English

Concept : Question Words

In this concept, students will learn about questions words used in sentences. These words are also referred to as wh question words. It also teaches the students the difference between various question words.

The students will learn the following:

  • To identify question words in English.
  • To complete sentences using wh words.
  • To form questions in English.
  • To change sentences into questions.

Every concept is taught to class 5 English students with the help of examples, illustrations, and concept maps. Once you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets at the page’s end. Download the Question Words worksheet and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept Question Words provided in PDF format.


  • The words used to form questions are known as question words. These words help create questions.
  • A question is a sentence that usually asks for information or to confirm the availability of information.
  • These types of sentences are also known as interrogative sentences. We can make a question mainly in two ways. They are as follows:
    1. With the help of ‘Wh’ words
    2. With the help of auxiliaries.
  • These are the five ‘Wh’ words that are used for making questions.


  1. Who is at the door?
  2. When will you go on a vacation?
  3. Where is Boston located?
  4. What would you like to do at the park?
  5. Which place would you want to visit?

How to Form Questions in English?

  1. At the beginning of the sentence, we use a ‘Wh’ word to frame a question.


    1. Who killed the demon?
    2. Where did you keep it?
  2. Sometimes ‘Wh’ questions are formed with or without an auxiliary verb.
    1. Questions with Auxiliary Verbs

      When an auxiliary verb is used in the question, the pattern is as follows:


    2. Questions without Auxiliary Verbs

      When an auxiliary verb is not used in the question, the pattern is as follows:


Change Sentences into Questions

Sentences can easily be changed into questions by following the method given below.

Statement: Samuel did win the race last year.

Question: Did Samuel win the race last year?

Notice the auxiliary is placed before the subject of the sentence. This changes the sentence into a question statement.

Common Mistake

Sometimes the word ‘what’ may be used to begin an exclamatory sentence as well. In such cases, ‘what’ is not used as a question word. Don’t consider such sentences to be questions as these sentences do not ask for an answer. Instead, exclamatory sentences only show the emotion one’s emotions.


What a wonderful picture! ✅

What a wonderful picture? ❌


Concept : Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory and Imperative Sentences


What is the Purpose of Writing Sentences?

A sentence refers to a set of words that:

  • express emotions
  • give a command
  • ask a question

There are four kinds of sentences:

A. Declarative Sentence

    • Sentences that make a statement are called declarative sentences.
    • These sentences provide us with information.
    • They are the most common type of sentences and usually end with a full stop. They can be positive or negative sentences.


Positive Sentence Negative Sentence
1) I like tea. 1) I do not like tea.
2) We watched the show last night. 2) We did not watch the show last night.

B. Interrogative Sentences

    • Sentences that ask a question are called interrogative sentences.
    • Interrogative sentences ask for information.
    • These sentences can be positive or negative.
    • Interrogative sentences are punctuated with a question mark.


Positive Sentence Negative Sentence
1) Do you like to watch TV? 1) Don’t you like to watch TV?
2) Why did you eat the whole pie alone? 2) Why didn’t you eat the whole pie alone?

C. Imperative Sentences

    • Sentences that give a command are called imperative sentences.
    • These sentences give a command, request or instructions.
    • They can be punctuated with a full stop or an exclamation mark.
    • Imperative sentences can be in a positive or negative form.


Positive Sentence Negative Sentence
1) Sit down! 1) Don’t sit down!
2) Give her tea. 2) Don’t give her tea.

D. Exclamatory Sentence

Sentences that express strong emotions, surprise, excitement or pain are called exclamatory sentences. They always end with an exclamation mark.


    1. What a gorgeous place it is!
    2. She actually won!
    3. How slow they were walking!
    4. I am angry!

Punctuation for the Sentences:

Each sentence is punctuated based on the type of sentence it is. Remember the kinds of sentence.


Kind of Sentence Purpose Example Punctuation Mark
Declarative Statement:

It tells us something.

John likes Mary. (.)
Interrogative Question:

It asks us something.

Does Mary like cupcakes? (?)
Imperative Command:

It tells us to do something.

  • Stop!
  • Close the door.
Exclamatory Exclamation:

It expresses surprise.

What a funny story it was! (!)

Difference between Imperative and Exclamatory sentences:

  • An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually begins with a verb and ends with a full stop or an exclamatory mark.
  • An exclamatory sentence shows a strong feeling of surprise. Exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation mark.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Don’t make mistakes between imperative and declarative sentences, as they both end with a full stop most of the time.


    1. Mix the oatmeal carefully. (Imperative)
    2. My sister works in a factory. (Declarative)
  2. Don’t mistake between imperative and exclamatory sentences, as imperative sentences may end with an exclamation mark as well.


    1. Bring the presents outside! (Imperative)
    2. What a terrible experience! (Exclamatory)

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