1.What Are Food Crops? What Are the Desirable Qualities of Food Crops?
The crop grown mainly for producing food is called a food crop. The desirable qualities of food crops are as follows:
2.What Are the Desirable Qualities of Feed Crops?
The desirable qualities of feed crops are as follows:
3.It Is Not Possible to Replace Wood in Our Lives. What Measures Should Be Taken to Ensure the Recovery of Forest Cover Along With the Production of Timber?
Wood has become an essential part of our day-to-day lives. Moreover, the demand for wood is also increasing with an increase in the population.
The following measures can be taken for the recovery of forests along with the use of wood.
4.What Are Fibre Crops? Why Are Fibre Crops Important for the Development of the Indian Economy?
The crops grown to obtain fibres used for different purposes are called fibre crops. Cotton, Jute and flax are examples. Fibre crops are important for the Indian economy due to following reasons:
5.What Is Organic Farming?
Farming which excludes the use of chemically synthesised things, is called organic farming. The basic features of organic farming are as follows:
6.What Are Hybrid Seeds?
Seeds produced by genetic modifications of plants to improve the production of crops are called hybrid seeds. These seeds have the following properties:
7.What Is Plantation Crop?
The perennial crops grown on a piece of land and their products harnessed for a long time are called plantation crops.
Examples are Tea, coffee, rubber, coconut, and cashew nuts.
8.Which Soil Is Suitable for Growing Rice? Give a Reason for Your Answer.