How to Handle Online Friend Requests Safely?


The internet offers one an opportunity to connect with friends, learn new things, and just have fun. However, you must ensure you are safe when going online. One way of doing so can be through receiving online friend requests. These are invitations from people who want to be your friend on social media or gaming platforms. But how do you know if it's safe to accept an online friend request? Let's explore how to handle online friend requests safely so you can enjoy being online without any worries.

What Are Online Friend Requests?

Let's define what online friend requests are first before guiding you on how to handle them properly. An online friend request refers to when someone sends a message to you to be their friend on a social networking site, a game, or a messaging app. It could be a classmate, friend, or even a distant family member, or it could be someone you've never known.

While making new friends is a fun experience, one needs to be extremely cautious while dealing with requests one receives online, in particular from people you don't know in the real world. You may sometimes get into trouble by accepting friend requests from people you do not know, for example, revealing some details to persons whose intentions you do not know.

Assessing Online Contacts

The first step in how to handle online friend requests safely is assessing online contacts. This means thinking about whom you're receiving the request from and whether you should accept the friend request. Let's get over how to do this.

Do You Know Them in Real Life?: If you know the sender as someone from school, the neighborhood, or even family, then it should be okay to take their online friend request. However, it is always a good idea to verify in person or with an adult.

Look at Their Profile: If you don't know their name, check their profile before accepting them as an online friend. Do they have a profile picture? Does it look like their page is legitimate or merely new? Sometimes scammers work by creating fake profiles; therefore, if the account looks suspicious, be very cautious of it.

Look at Mutual Friends: Sometimes, online friend requests come your way from those who happen to know common friends with you. Those having quite a good number of friends in common may mean it is okay to accept the request. However, if no friend can create a relationship between you and the person, you should be a bit cautious and consult about accepting this request before making a final decision.

Discuss with a Trusted Adult: One of the best things you can do when assessing online contacts is to ask a parent, guardian, or teacher for advice. They may help you decide whether you should accept an online friend request.

By following such steps in assessing online contacts, you make smarter and safer choices when it comes to who you connect with online.

Safe Social Networking 

The safest way to be safe on social media is to be careful of your online friend requests. Another important thing in this case is practicing safe social networking. This generally entails good habits while trying to be safe on social networks. Let's now look at some ways to enjoy safe social networking.

Keep Your Information Private: Probably the most important principle of safe social networking is to keep your personal information private. This means never letting your home address, your phone number, and even the name of your school be shared with anyone, especially unknown people, online. Even if you already accepted that online request to be their friend, be cautious about what you post because online connection isn't the best way to get to know each other.

Use Strong Passwords:  This includes the use of passwords. A strong password is one that others cannot easily guess. You can make a strong password by mingling up the alphabet, numbers, and symbols. Also, refrain from using your name, birthday, or anything that may be simple to figure out. This will keep your accounts protected and your online friend requests and social profiles safe from hackers.

Report Suspicious Activity: If a friend request online makes you feel uncomfortable, or if a friend you have accepted is acting in a way that causes you discomfort, do not hesitate to block them and report their suspicious activity. Many social networks have tools for reporting suspicious activity. Safe social networking also means knowing when to take action in such a situation.

Limit Access to Your Profile: Most social media sites have privacy options that allow you to limit who can see your updates and can request a friend. You can filter who has access to reach out to you in the online world by customizing these options. For example, you could set your profile so that only friends or friends of friends would request you as an online friend.

Provided you consider these safe social networking tips, it will not be long before you are sure to have lots of fun online while keeping yourself safe and well-protected.

Why should you be careful?

Request With Safety

Someone might ask, why should I be so careful with online friend requests? The reason is that not all people are who they pretend to be online. Some fake their profiles to deceive other people, while others will take away your identity. Accepting your online friend requests from people you don't know might open doors for them to access your online life.

Scrutinize your online acquaintances and practice responsible social networking, and you can avoid all this. Remember: better safe than sorry, especially when dealing with unknown people.

What to Do When You Feel Something is Wrong?

Sometimes things can go wrong even when you take all the precautions. Perhaps someone you considered a friend begins acting odd or doing something they shouldn't. What do you do?

Trust Your Instinct: If it doesn't feel right, listen to your instincts. You get an online friend request and it feels weird or a conversation makes you feel uncomfortable; then you need to pay attention to your instincts. If you don't feel safe then you don't have to stay in touch with that person.

Block and Report: Most other websites enable you to block people who are bothering you. If you receive an online friend request from someone you suspect is trying to scam you or if someone you have friended is starting to make you uncomfortable don't hesitate and block them. You can also report the behavior to the website so that they can check out the matter and protect others as well.

Discuss with a Trusted Adult: If ever you feel something is not right, take some time to tell a trusted adult so they can help you figure out what to do next. A parent, teacher, or guardian is a good person to talk to. They can also help you with changing some privacy settings or blocking certain people for your protection.


The internet would be an amazing platform in which one could develop real friendships, but the bottom line is being smart and safe with online invitations from friends. Evaluate your contacts online and safely interact on the social web, which will enable you to guard yourself against unwanted people. After you recall the fact that it's fine to refuse to receive a friend request from a stranger, and if you are unsure, ask the adult.


1. Can I just change my mind if I accept an online friend request?

Yes, you can unfriend or block someone if you change your mind after accepting their request. It's important to feel comfortable with your online connections so don't be afraid to make changes if needed.

2. What are some things I should never share online, even with friends?

Be very careful about any type of sensitive information that includes your address, phone number, the name of the school you are or were attending, and, especially, personal identification numbers. Even a friend should not have that kind of personal information.

3. How do I know when I see a request from someone who is a good person or some kind of scam artist?

Legit signs: a filled-out profile, mutual friends and followers, and a history of consistency online. Scammers often create profiles that are either about to turn off too due to lack of info or not synced with some part of their presence on the web.

If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends and family to help them stay safe online too. By spreading these important tips on handling online friend requests and practicing safe social networking, you can help everyone enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.

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