The Importance of Reading: How to improve Reading Skills?


Reading is among those vital skills that kids could develop. It's a magic world of knowledge, imagination, and realization. Be it a funny storybook, an exciting comic, or even a fascinating textbook through reading, we learn new things each day. But how do children improve their reading? In this blog, we look at how to improve reading skills, the types of reading, and why reading is so important.

Why Is It Important to Read?

Being human, many of us at some point in our lives have frequently asked ourselves, why read? Reading does several great things for us. It teaches us about the world, helps in solve certain problems, and strengthens our thinking. In the process of reading, we learn new words and understand different ideas; reading also enables one to develop one's expression.

Reading is a very crucial activity for students. They need to read to understand their lessons, to pass on with flying colors in their tests, and to complete homework. Reading, however, isn't only about school. It's fun! You can have fabulous adventure stories, mysteries, or books about space, animals, and history. Whatever your type is, reading strengthens your brain and makes you even smarter.

What Are Reading Skills?

Well, what are reading skills? Reading skills are those that enable you to comprehend and appreciate what you read. These include the following:

1. Decoding: It means working out the pronunciation of the words you see on the page. You take the letters and sounds and "decode" each word by saying it aloud. 

2. Comprehension: This is understanding what those words mean; that is to say, understanding the story, lesson, and information in the text.

3. Fluency: It is the ability to read without stopping and starting too much. A fluent reader can read a little faster and comprehend more.

4. Vocabulary: These are all the words that you know. The more words you know, the easier it might be to get the gist of what you read.

These reading skills will help you enjoy reading more and help with learning quickly. Let's go through how you can improve your reading skills so that you will be considered a good reader.

How to Improve Reading Skills?

Now that we understand the importance of reading, let's talk about how to improve reading skills. There are so many ways to get better at reading, and with practice, anyone can improve! Here are some helpful reading tips:

1. Read Every Day

The more you read, the better you get at it. Try to set aside time each day to read, even if it's just a few minutes before bed or during your lunch break. The more you read, the more you'll improve. Even reading short articles, comic books, or signs helps you practice. Daily reading builds strong reading skills and makes it a fun habit.

2. Pick Books You Like

One of the most entertaining ways to begin improving your reading is by selecting books you like. Whether you are into adventure stories, mysteries, fairy tales, or other non-fiction about animals or history, picking topics that you love will make reading more exciting. Where reading is fun, it surely will be easy to practice, and this is one of the best tips on how to improve reading skills.

3. Read Aloud Practice

Reading out loud helps improve fluency and comprehension. Reading out loud allows you to hear the sound of the words and how they are pronounced properly. It also makes you listen to what the sentences mean. You can read to your parents, friends, or even your pet. This is an easy step in how to improve reading skills.

4. Trace with Your Finger

When reading a book, trace the words with your finger or a pencil. That way, your eyes will stay on the text and you won't lose your place. It's an easy trick that will make reading easier and quicker.

5. Break Down Difficult Words

If you come across a word that makes you hesitate, just don't freak out. Break it down into smaller parts and try pronouncing each of them. This process is called decoding. When learning how to develop your reading skills, decoding is one of the major keys to becoming a good reader. You break down big words into small chunks for you to know the meaning and pronunciation.

how to improve reading skills

6. Ask Questions While Reading

To understand what you are reading, ask yourself questions about the story or lesson. What is occurring in the story? Who is in the story? What might happen next? Asking questions makes you pay attention and think about what you are reading. This is one of the ways how to improve reading skills.

7. Build Your Vocabularies

Learning new words is one of the major ways to improve your reading skills. When you find a word that you don't know, look it up in the dictionary or ask an adult what it means. The more words you know, the easier it will be to comprehend books, articles, and even lessons at school. You can also keep a vocabulary journal to write new words in and practice using them.

8. Re-read Your Favorite Books

One should not be ashamed of reading one's favorite book more than once. With every reading, one notices new details and ideas that might have been missed the previous time. It also helps to enhance fluency because the words in their minds are familiar. It is among the great ways to improve reading skills.

9. Set Reading Goals

This can also make reading more fun: setting small goals for yourself. You can challenge yourself to read a certain amount of pages each day or try to be able to finish the book by the end of the week. These goals keep you motivated and help count the progress. Once you reach those goals, you will be proud of how much your reading skills have gotten better!

10. Join a Reading Group

You may consider joining a reading group or book club if you want to make reading more social with your friends or classmates. This way, you will be able to read the same book and discuss what you have read. Discussions on stories with other people increase understanding and make it fun to learn how to improve reading skills.

Types of Reading

Did you know there are many types of reading? Each type of reading has a different purpose, and all of them should be practiced. Now, let's see some main types of reading:

1. Skimming: 

This is when one is reading quickly to get the main idea of a text. You are not focusing on every word but viewing key points. It is quite useful if you need to understand it as soon as possible, for instance, in reading the news or reading a chapter from a textbook.

2. Scanning: 

Scanning occurs when one is searching for some information in the text. The individual's eyes move rapidly over words in the hope of stumbling upon what is being searched for. This comes in handy when one wants to verify a fact or detail, probably a name, a date, or a number.

3. Intensive reading:

This is reading slowly and carefully with the intention of complete comprehension of the text. You will observe each word and sentence. For studying or reading a book that has many details in it, one has to do an in-depth reading. These types of reading will enable you to apply the right approach to whatever you read.

Importance of Reading for Students

Reading is hugely important for students because, through reading, students learn something new. In school, strong reading skills are needed to understand textbooks, take tests, and write essays. Reading helps students improve their vocabulary, grammar, and spelling, all things that are so crucial for academic success.

Reading regularly makes the students good at the expression of their ideas, either in writing or speaking. What are reading skills? They form the very foundation on which a student does his math, science, history, and all other subjects. A good reader can achieve high scores at school and feel satisfied with himself.

How Reading Helps in All Subjects

Reading isn't just for English class. It's to help you with most subjects! In math, reading will help you understand word problems. In science, reading allows you to explore exciting discoveries. In history, reading brings the past to life through stories and events.

Its significance to students, however, is rather candid: the better reader you are, the easier and more fun learning will be. You will learn your particular subject better the more proficient your reading level is.

Improve Reading for better Communication Skills: How Parents and Teachers Can Help

Parents and teachers are great influences in letting kids know how to improve reading skills. The following are ways parents and teachers can influence young readers:

1. Read Aloud Together: Parents and teachers can read them stories, which will help kids learn the pronunciation of words and how sentences are formed.

2. Exposure to Different Kinds of Books: Provide them with fiction, non-fiction, comics, and even poems. This is one sure way of helping them discover what they will like.

3. Discuss what you read: Parents or teachers could always ask questions after reading any story or lesson to make children think about what they read.

4. Create a reading schedule: A reading routine per day or week helps a child develop the habit of reading regularly.

These tips help kids understand how to improve reading skills and make reading a fun and rewarding part of their lives.

Conclusion: Joy and Importance of Reading

Reading supports children to become explorers of the world, extend their knowledge, and become successful learners. Be it reading for pleasure or reading for school, knowing how to enhance reading skills is important. By doing some reading each day, setting some goals, and practicing some strategies such as reading aloud and building vocabulary, anyone can become a better reader.


1. What age do kids learn to read?

Around 6 to 7 years old. When do children usually learn to read? There is no single answer to this question, as reading skills can vary greatly from child to child. However, according to the National Reading Panel (NRP), most children start reading at around 6 to 7 years old. While some children learn as early as 4 to 5 years old.

2. What is the value of reading?

Reading improves your vocabulary and your knowledge of the world. It can open minds to different ideas which may challenge our own and cause us to view things in a different light. A study by Delgado, Vargas, Ackerman, and Salmeron, published in 2018, demonstrated that reading also improves written comprehension skills.

3. How do students learn to read?

When kids are learning to read, they are learning to recognize printed letters and connect them to specific sounds. This process is called “phonics.” Learning to do this quickly takes lots of practice and involves a network of different parts of the brain.


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