1) What Is the Meaning of Life Span? Give Examples.
The period from birth to the death of an organism is called its life span. The lifespans of a few animals are given below—
- Dog: 10-13 years
- Elephant: 60-70 years
- Chimpanzee: 15-30 years
- Lion: 15-16 years
- Parrot: Some species of parrots can live up to 100-120 years, whereas some have a smaller life span of around 20 years.
2) Metamorphosis in Frog Is Controlled by Iodine. Why?
- Metamorphosis requires a hormone called thyroxine, secreted by the thyroid gland.
- Iodine is required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland so that it can secrete the required amount of thyroxine.

3) How Does the Larva of a Butterfly Survive Without Feeding in the Pupa Stage?
- The larva of a butterfly eats voraciously in the second stage of their life cycle, i.e., caterpillar.
- During this stage, the larva stores food in its body in the form of fat.
- Energy is released in the pupa stage by burning the stored fat.
- It helps the larva to survive without eating in the pupa stage.
4) Why Is Water Essential in the Life Cycle of a Frog?
- The frog is an amphibian, and it lays eggs in water.
- The stages in the lifecycle of a frog cannot be accomplished in the absence of water.
- Also, the prominent feature of its life cycle, i.e., metamorphosis, takes place in water.
- Hence, water plays a crucial role in the life cycle of a frog.
5) Why Do Some Animals Show Metamorphosis?
- In some animals, the offspring born is very different from the adult.
- For instance, the tadpole of the frog has gills, whereas the adult frog has lungs.
- To develop features resembling adults, some animals undergo metamorphosis.