Animals of different groups show different types of reproduction. Some lay eggs while some give birth to their young ones. In this concept, the students will understand the meaning of oviparous and viviparous animals.
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Reproduction in Animals:
It is a process by which animals create their offspring. Reproduction helps animals produce babies of their kind. These babies may share the same characteristics as their parents. Reproduction helps an animal to increase its number in a specific habitat.
Modes of Reproduction:
There are two modes of reproduction—oviparity and viviparity.
Oviparous Animals:
Animals that reproduce by laying eggs are called oviparous animals
Examples:Frog, fish, snake, crow etc.
Characteristics of Oviparous Animals:
Examples:Insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds.
Oviparity in Fish:
viparity in Amphibians:
Oviparity in Reptiles:
Oviparity in Birds:
Viviparous Animals:
Animals that reproduce by giving birth to young ones are called viviparous animals.
Examples:Man, elephant, monkey, cat, dog etc.
Characteristics of Viviparous Animals:
Examples:Deer, elephant, horse, cow, cat, rat, kangaroo.
Types of Viviparous Animals:
Viviparous animals can be divided into two categories—
Examples:Opossum, kangaroo, koala.
2.Mammals: These animals have no pouch in their bodies instead they protect their babies outside the body.
Examples:Monkey, deer, tiger, dog, elephant.
Offspring: An animal’s young.
Embryo: It is an unhatched offspring that is still in the process of development.
Clutch: A group of eggs laid by amphibians at a single time.
Exception:One of the most unique animals in this world is the platypus. Despite being a mammal, it is adapted to survive in aquatic habitats and surprisingly lays eggs. The eggs hatch within two weeks, and the babies are nourished by their mother’s milk. So, the platypus is considered to be an oviparous mammal.
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