Harry Potter and the Magic of Kindness

Harry potter story

Origin of the Story Harry Potter and the Magic of Kindness

British author, J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter story. She got the idea for the story during her train journey from Manchester to London in 1990. Subsequently, she wrote a few initial drafts of different Harry Potter characters and events. In the year 1997, she published her first book, Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone. Following this, it became a series about a young wizard named Harry Potter who goes through many life-impacting experiences at Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards.

Characters in Harry Potter Story

1. Harry Potter

2. Hermione Granger

3. Ron Weasley

4. Hagrid

5. Neville Longbottom

6. Magical deer

Harry Potter and the Magic of Kindness story for kids

Once upon a time, in the magical world of Hogwarts, lived a young wizard named Harry Potter. Harry was famous for his courage and goodness, and he had two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

One bright day, Harry and his friends were walking through the Forbidden Forest. They found a hurt creature there.

The creature was a small magical deer that seemed terrified. It was very clear to Hermione that the deer’s leg was wounded and it could not walk.

Harry says that we must help The Forbidden Forest, which is known for its dangers, Ron approves only that he looks frightened. Harry gently carried the deer to Hagrid's hut. 

Hagrid was Hogwarts giant gamekeeper, who was equally kind-hearted and huge and was known for his ability to heal magical beings. 

The deer regained its strength, thanks to him. In response to this, she gave him a magical flower as a token of appreciation which could grant him any wish, though he only wanted his sight back.

Harry gave the magical flower to Neville for which he felt deeply grateful. He used the wish to cure his parents; soon after, they were well enough to visit him at Hogwarts. 

Neville was the happiest he could remember and thanked Harry for this incredible kindness.

Since then, Harry, Hermione, and Ron had grown closer friends to Neville as friends. They recognized the real magic is not in incantations, brews, and potions but in the goodwill and sympathy that they have for other people.

Moral of the Story Harry Potter and the Magic of Kindness

Most powerful magic results from kindness and compassion. The most wonderful and unexpected rewards often come when you help others, even if you find it very challenging or frustrating. Your true strength as a person is demonstrated by how much you care for and uplift those around you.

FAQ About the tale “Harry Potter and the Magic of Kindness”

1. Who are the main characters in the story?

- The main characters are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Hagrid, and Neville Longbottom.

2. What did Harry and his friends find in the Forbidden Forest?

- Harry and his friends found an injured magical deer in the forbidden forest.

3. How did Harry help the injured deer?

- Harry and his friends took the deer to Hagrid, who healed it.

4. What did the magical deer give Harry as a thank you?

- The deer gave Harry a magical flower that could grant one wish.

5. What did Harry do with the magical flower?

- Harry gave the magical flower to Neville Longbottom, who used it to heal his parents.

6. What is the moral of the story?

- The moral of the story is that kindness and compassion are the most powerful forms of magic.

7. Why did Harry decide to help Neville instead of using the wish for himself?

- Harry knew that Neville needed the wish more than he did, showcasing his selflessness and compassion.

8. Who wrote Harry Potter?

  •   British author J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter story.

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