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How to promote independent thinking in your child

Mautushi Paul |

Social Skills |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

How to promote independent thinking in your child

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There are times when independent thinking is more important than following instructions. For example, if your child needs to perform a task differently from adults, independent thinking must accomplish the objective.

Why promote independent thinking in kids

You promote independent thinking in your child because you value their ability to think for themselves. When you encourage independent thinking in your child, you can give them the freedom to learn. You also create a more well-rounded individual who can accomplish tasks independently even when you are not around.


Benefits of fostering independent thinking in kids 

Independent thinkers can determine how they want to accomplish something, even if someone tells them how it is done. They will also be more likely to solve problems independently without seeking assistance from others. Independent thinkers can start doing something alone by following instructions and then adjusting what they’ve learned as necessary when encountering different circumstances that arise during the process.

They may ask for help, but independent thinkers eventually figure things out on their own instead of handing over responsibilities to someone else just because they don’t want to do them anymore. With independent thinking, people would only rely on others when they need them. Independent thinking is essential at school and in life, so it’s worth spending time teaching children how to think outside the box and do things their way.


10 ways to promote independent thinking in kids

If you want independent thinkers, here are some tips on how to promote independent thinking in children:

1) Integrate independent thinking into everyday activities

Give children plenty of opportunities to think independently every day. An excellent way to do this is by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to give initial responses instead of always offering yes/no answers. These questions help develop independent thinking skills by allowing for divergent and critical responses.

2) Give your child some responsibility

Provide your child with opportunities to make decisions. Let him pick out his clothing for the day, choose what he wants for breakfast, and choose art projects to complete. Assigning some responsibilities to your child will always promote independent thinking in them. They will be forced to think about all their options before they choose.

3) Allow your children to make mistakes

Never try too hard to shelter your child from being free minded. Do not be afraid for him to get things wrong or make a bad choice every once in a while. He needs to learn from his mistakes, and independent thinking will help him do this. This is because independent thinkers are comfortable with the idea of making choices on their own, even if it means going against the grain sometimes.


4) Encourage divergent thinking

Divergent thinking is a form of independent-minded person that enables us to explore several possible solutions or outcomes instead of just one. Divergent thinking can lead to innovative thoughts and ideas that can solve problems. Hence this will promote independent thinking in the child.

5) Give independent thinkers responsibility

Independent thinkers are also independent workers and independent decision-makers. Therefore, independent children should be allowed to do things by themselves without having someone standing over them constantly. This will help them gain more confidence in their abilities and independence.

6) Teach your child self-sufficiency skills

This means teaching your child how to cook basic meals, do daily chores like making his bed or tidying up his room, doing the weekly grocery shopping on his own (start him off with buying milk and bread), teaching him how to use different appliances around the house like washing machines or dishwashers, etc., helping him manage his time effectively so he can get himself out of the mess. This is an essential thing to do while instilling independent thinking in a child.


7) Make your child independent of you

This is especially important in young children. While raising a child, parents tend to pamper their children too much, making the child dependent on his parents for everything. While this might be acceptable in infants, it becomes less appropriate when he grows up and becomes independent. Start making your child independent of you by letting him make minor decisions like what he wants to eat or wear, teaching him how to solve problems without constantly running to mummy or daddy, etc.

8) Don’t compare

When two people are trying to do something the same way using the same material, they both have access to it, but one succeeds. At the same time, the other fails can cause them severe injury or breakage, so competitions must be avoided.

9) Encourage the child to learn new things

When your child is inclined towards something, encourage it; whether it’s painting or singing, you should never discourage him by telling him that he is not good at it. Allow him to fail and then guide him in that art or task to do better next time.


10) Let them express themselves through words

Don’t correct them if their sentences are incomplete, but rather help them finish what they are trying to say in a manner acceptable to other people. Also, don’t correct every mistake because this will make the child self-conscious about himself and his abilities. The more independent he becomes, the better it is for everyone.


To raise a child who is an independent thinker, it is essential to allow them their mistakes and correct them if they are going in the wrong direction. It is essential to allow independent thinking because it helps children make their own decisions, take responsibility for themselves, and handle situations better when they grow older.

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