Crop Production

1.The Use of Modern Agriculture Implements Is Affecting the Life of Farmers and Labourers. Explain How?

  • Modern agriculture implements have reduced the number of labourers required and the time required for agricultural activities.
  • It has led to the unemployment of many people who were previously involved in manual work.

2.How Is Modern Agriculture Different From Traditional Agricultural Practices?

Modern agriculture is different from traditional agriculture practices in the following ways:

  • Use of chemicals for increasing crop yields.
  • The crops are not damaged due to pests as there are suitable methods for their control.
  • The farmers do not depend on rain due to the development of irrigation methods and facilities.
  • Hybrid seeds lead to increased production in the small patch of land.

3.Agriculture Cannot Be Practised in Snow-Covered Areas. Why Do You Think So?

Agriculture cannot be practised in snow-covered areas due to the following reasons:

  • Extremely low temperatures restrict plant growth.
  • When covering the plants, Frost leads to the death of cells, resulting in the wilting of leaves and plant death.
  • Low temperatures lead to the freezing of water, and hence it becomes unsuitable for plants to use.

4.Which State Is the Largest Producer of Rice in India?

West Bengal is the largest producer of rice in India.

5.What Is Crop Rotation? Why Do Farmers Practise It?

  • Growing different crops in the field after every cropping season is called crop rotation.
  • It is practised by farmers to replenish the nutrients in the soil.
  • Growing similar crops one after another leads to the use of the same type of nutrients again and again; hence, the soil becomes nutrient deficient.

6.What Is Shelterbelt? Why Are They Grown by the Farmers?

  • Shelter belts represent the series of trees grown along the boundary of a field.
  • Shelter belts are grown to prevent the loss of nutrients from the soil due to soil erosion.
  • These shelter belts also prevent the flooding of fields in heavy rains as the roots of the tree absorb extra water from the field.

Shelter belts

7.How Does Waterlogging Affect the Productivity of Crops?

Water logging decreases the productivity of crops. Due to water logging, the roots of the plants cannot exchange gases and start wilting, which leads to the death of the plant.


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